
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Aunt Barb....

Hi Everyone!  I hope your week is going well.  Do you remember my aunt Barb?  Here she is with my nephew Quinton from last summer when she brought me a van full of free stuff.  She is my very favorite aunt.  She is my mother's sister.  She has the biggest heart (next to my mom) and will do anything to help you out.  She has become my personal "picker".  If I say I'm looking for something, she runs out and finds it.  And then won't let me pay her for it.
She found out right before Christmas that she has breast cancer.  And today, she's having surgery to remove the lump.  The good news is that all of her scans came back clear and showing no other cancer anywhere else. 

So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers (please) that the surgery goes well.  At this point she isn't going to need to chemo, just radiation.  I know my mother wishes she could be there, but Barb has a huge support group around her and if she needs her, she will call and my mom will be on the first plane there.  Thanks for your support and for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping positive thoughts and sending prayers to your Aunt Barb! Hoping for the very best outcome!
