
Friday, January 13, 2012

An update...and a farewell (sort of)...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Friday!  I just wanted to update you on my not so great Wednesday and what happened Thursday morning.  Well, I went out Thursday morning, early, to see if my tire was still inflated.  It was, sort of.  It didn't look too bad, so I didn't call my dad, but I decided I'd better leave early so I could test it.  Just as I was ready to leave for work, my dad showed up.  He didn't think it looked bad either, so he left.  I tested it and it had lost 10 pounds of air.  I pulled up to the shop door and tried to put air in the tire but with the -20 wind chill, the hose was practically frozen so I couldn't put more air in the tire.
So, I drove very slowly down the gravel road, headed back to the tire shop.  I met my dad on the gravel road.  He realized I wasn't behind him so he turned around thinking that my car didn't start.  I told him what had happened and he said he'd follow me to the tire shop.  When we got there, he said he'd deal with the tire and to get in and he'd drop me off at work.  So to work I went.  About 30 minutes later he drove up.  There had been another hole that they had forgotten to fix.  They fixed it for free and delivered it!  YEAH Dad!  So my day was turning around!

And as far as the farewell.....I went by my parents house last night to say good-bye to them.  The snowbirds are heading to Destin, Florida for the winter.  Well, for two months anyway.  I know they will have a great time especially since winter has arrived here.  So have a good time folks!  I'll miss you but glad that you'll be able to sit on the beach and enjoy the sunshine and nice weather!

My aunt Barb is doing well.  I sent her an Edible Arrangement bouquet yesterday.  I just love those things.  I wish there was one around here, but unfortunately there isn't.  She called when she got it and loved it.  She said it was almost too pretty to eat.  I sent her the Apple Daisy with extra chocolate dipped pineapple daisies.

As far as new projects, it's been one of those weeks.  I promise to have something new to show you this weekend.  I'm working on a couple of projects, but just haven't finished them yet.  Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the tire being fixed, and for good ole dad! :)
    I hope the folks enjoy their time in sunny Florida!
    Happy to hear Barb is doing well.
    have a great weekend, and when you get something done to post, we'll be here!
