
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Window into spring...

Hi Everyone!  I hope your day is going well.  Today is my day off so I'm running around trying to get EVERYTHING done that I can.  Including finishing some things that I started this weekend.  And maybe start a few new things.  Since I don't have two days off in a row, it makes it difficult sometimes.
 Do you remember this window that I showed you a couple of days ago?
 It was given to me by the lady that runs the shop where I have items for sale.  She was kind enough to give me three of them for free!  Yeah for free!!  I started out by scraping the paint and caulk that was on the window and then I cleaned it really well.  I had to let that sit for a while to make sure it was super dry.  Then I started painting on it.  I started with the first layer of details in this case the black center of my flowers and then just build from there making sure the first layer of paint is completely dry.
It's a really simple look.  The poppies are in bloom.

 I was going to fill in the grass all the way to the bottom of the window pane, but as I started to fill it in, I decided I liked it not filled in.  I'm going sit with it a while and see if I'd rather fill it in.  I my mind's eye it needs to be, but I sort of like it this way.  What do you think?

 It's been super cold out here, so this is a nice way to bring a bit of "spring" inside.  Now I just need to find the hangers I was planning on using and get this baby hung up.  Are you dreaming of spring too?  Have a happy day!  Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. I am dreaming of Spring! Hmm undecided about "filling in" You did a great job painting the poppies!
    hope you had a great day off!

    1. Love it! Very Marimekko ...


  2. Oh how I wish I could paint like that! So pretty! Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  3. LOVE this!! You're right, it's like having a bit of spring! (here in South GA, it already FEELS like spring! ;)

    I have painted on windows before and love it, I have a huge one in my garage just waiting to be painted... I think you've given me some inspiration!

    I found you at the Sasse life Crafty Wednesday. :o)

    I'd love for you to come and enter the giveaway I have going on this week! It's ends Friday.

  4. It turned out beautifully! I love it! Since it's on glass I think I like it without the grass filled in. Whatever you decide...great job! Thanks for sharing!! :)

  5. Love what you did with your window. I have a window that I haven't done much with except hung it up and put a wreath on it. Thanks for the inspiration! I like the grass just the way it is:) Great Job! Yes, I'm ready for spring too, you could look at my real flowers from my flower garden if you would like,

  6. Hey there! I think it turned out just perfect - I like it just the way it is! so, you have 2 others? you already have ideas for them? you'll need to post so we can see! Saw you at the Rock n Share - first time here but I'll be back. Come visit anytime! Blessings ... :)

  7. I think it's perfect just the way it is.

  8. I agree, it's beautiful the way it is! Love your painted poppies!!

  9. I love it just the way it is. It turned out beautifully! I think extra grass would make the bottom look too heavy.

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  10. I have a very big soft spot for all old windows. I love it. Your poppies are so bright and happy. I am featuring this on Tickled pink!
