
Sunday, February 5, 2012

A beautiful sight...

Happy Sunday Everyone!  Well the storm has passed and left me with a beautiful winter wonderland.
 It's crisp out this morning, 26 degrees.  But we're supposed to reach a high of 40.  So that means the snow will start melting today.
 The wind has died down too.
 Do you wanna go sledding?  Or build a snowman?
 Or make snow angels with me?  I wish we had a snowmobile.  Wouldn't that be fun?
My little shrubs aren't too happy right now, but once the temp comes back up, so will they.  I think I'll head back in and finish a few projects this morning because this afternoon I need to run to town.  I'm gonna wait until the temp rises and then maybe the roads won't be so icy.  I hope you enjoy your Sunday.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Brrrrr. That is cold. I really wish we would get some cold weather. My weeds are already going nuts and the bugs will be awful this year.
