
Monday, February 6, 2012

Frost and fog....

Hi Everyone!  I just had to share with you the pictures I took this morning while I waited for the truck to warm up before I headed into work.  We had fog and lots of it.  And we had frost.

I did not touch up these photos at all.  This is exactly how they came out.  And it's exactly what it looked like.  I took these at 7:45 AM and normally it's very bright out at this time.
Doesn't the frost just make everything beautiful?
This is a picture of my home from out in front of the shop which is located north and a bit west from the house.
And this is from the shop facing south east.  That pole sits across the road and the two dark figures to the right of it is a windmill and a mailbox.  Talk about fog!  I hate driving in fog.  And the country roads were bad.  The slush had turned to ice so it was very slow going.  Thank goodness the four wheel drive was working today.  The fog didn't burn off until after 11 AM.  And the frost didn't melt until off until after 2 PM.  But it does make for some interesting pics.  Well, thanks for stopping by.


  1. great pics! I couldn't believe it when I saw frost outside. LOL We haven't had frost in weeks! We've been so warm.
    take care,

  2. Wow! it's hard to believe that your weather is so drastically different from ours here in Australia! We are sweltering in 39 deg C heat and feel a little envious of your cooler temperatures:)
