
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A hodge podge of things...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Wednesday.  Yesterday was my day off.  I had a long list of things I needed to get accomplished including a trip to my parents home to get their mail and check on their house and I needed to pick up some Power bars to send to my nephew at Marine boot camp.  I also had projects to work on.  Unfortunately, I don't have anything new to show you today.  I was working on building up my inventory for an up coming craft fair.
Here's a stack of new signs that I completed.  I'd show them to you, but you've seen them all already.
I put together some of these.  The base of this one is a large tart pan.  I just love the fluted sides.  I just couldn't decide if I should put it on a base and make it taller.  So I did a few that weren't on a stand.
I also put together a box of soap jars, but these won't make it to the fair.  I need to drop these off at the shop tomorrow.
I was working on turning these scrap pieces into these....
I started them, but didn't get these finished.  I was also working on using these...
...the two smaller ones.
And here's a large frame I got for $1.00 at my local junk place.  I'm going to turn it into a message center with the little clips.  I also started working on the signs for my client, but I don't have anything to share yet.  Hopefully I'll have finished projects to share with you tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I like your creative vein! Creativity must have been in the air last night!

  2. Isn't it lovely having the time to plan lots of new projects!! Your noticeboard idea sounds great!!


  3. Your day sounds like a work day to me! Busy busy busy you were.


  4. i just love the little boxes! :)

  5. You've been really busy. I love the stuff you make! The little boxes are cute. I made some for Jamie's shower last year, but then sold them at the booth, they went really quick.
    I found out today that the shop is closing at the end of this month. I will need to move all of that stuff out and find a place to put it until I decide what I'm doing next. :(

  6. Love your gorgeous blog! So glad I found you via the Linky Blog Hop. Following you now! Hope you can come visit me at
