
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Severe weather and tornados...

Hi Everyone!   I'm coming to you from the basement!  I hope you are all safe and having a better Saturday than I am.  We have been under a tornado watch most of the day.  We've had several severe thunderstorms roll through here.  We had a tornado warning hit this afternoon and the dogs and I headed to the basement.  The dogs are lying together (which is unusual) on the comforter I put on the floor.

We had another tornado warning and a severe thunderstorm warning come out.  The sky looked green so we headed again to the basement.  We've been here for a little over a half hour so far.  It hasn't been fun.  I hate storms.  We'll be here for a bit longer I'm afraid. They are talking about 60-80 mph winds.  I hope things are better wherever you are.  Hopefully things will let up soon and I hope to have some new projects for you tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very scary experience my friend. You are a very smart lady, stay where it is the safest. Check the CDC website if you can, they have some good home safety pointers for severe weather conditions. Keep us posted. Diane

  2. Thanks for updating - you were on my mind when I heard about the warnings. Stay safe!!

  3. Holly,
    Take care of yourself and stay in that basement until necessary... we are under a watch for now, telling us that it's suppose to be worse tonight late... I hate when it's bad late at night especially.. you take care..


  4. Ohhh Holly... I hope and pray all is okay for you and those in the path of these storms. I do not like storms either. I'm happy you have a basement for shelter.

  5. You are so lucky to have a basement! Here in TX most of us don't. I'd love one!!!

  6. We don't get tournados in the UK, and it sounds pretty terrifying.
    I hope everything is ok over there - stay safe !
