
Friday, June 15, 2012

Deck the halls...?...

Hi Everyone!  I know it's the middle of June, but it's beginning to look A LOT like Christmas around the workroom.  I know it's early, but I've already started working on my Christmas line.  I'm trying really hard to get and be a head of schedule for my fall craft fairs.

It's not that I put it off, I work on getting things ready for them all year long in between projects for clients and life, but then I always run out of time.  I vowed last year, that I would make a realistic schedule and stick to it.  My word of the year is DO. So I'm doing!

I always enlist the help of my mother on the Christmas line.  She is the queen of spray paint, among other things!  And she does such a wonderful job.  I don't think I could get it all done without her help.  We divide up the work load.  I get everything ready and deliver all the wooden cut outs and anything else that I want her to work on and she tackles it like a pro.  Her "shop" is called Donna's Do-It Shop.
 I took over several large boxes of things for her to work on less than two weeks ago.  I told her how I wanted things painted and which twine to use as hangers for each and when I needed certain pieces back (July for one box, August for another and early September for the last one).  Two days later she called me and said "This is Donna's Do-It Shop, I have the first part of your order ready for pick-up."  Two days later I picked up that box.  A couple days later she was done with the second.  I haven't picked that up yet.  So now the pressure is on me to finish up all of the pieces that she has started for me.  She's trying to get a large hunk of it done before Dad's surgery and then the rest she can do while he is recuperating or once he's fully recovered.

I started working on my portions of the projects, the detailed painting and I had to put a Christmas movie in the DVD to be inspired to paint snowflakes and snowmen.  It's just hard to be thinking Christmas when it's 90 degrees out.  But at least it gives me something to work on inside when it's too hot or windy to be out in the shop.  I'm hoping for some good shop time this weekend.  And to spend some quality time with Dad on Sunday for Father's Day.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Holly, good for you! You are so smart to be getting Christmas things done and ready for the fall. Hard to be organized but you must have it in your genes. I hope you and your mom have fun with your Christmas in June! Thanks for coming by Quirky Vistas and following!

  2. These are so cute. Good for you to be getting ahead of the creating frenzy before the rush. I always have a great time sharing things like this with my mom too.

  3. Holly,
    You are so inspiring... Oh my gosh.. I need to get off my dairyaire... and get busy!!! You go girl!!!! =)
    I wish I could get my Mom to help out...LOL


  4. I have been doing the same thing you are and that's getting ready for my holiday boutique. I had to laugh about you putting on a Christmas DVD because I play Christmas music to get me going!
