
Monday, June 11, 2012

Recycled cornice board....

Hi Everyone!  I hope your week is off to a great start.  It was hot and windy all day yesterday so no shop work.  It was too windy to open the big doors and too hot in the shop to be out there.  Instead I worked on some things inside the house.  And then a storm came through and it rained!  Thank goodness!  We needed the rain.  It has been so dry and windy here.

I was looking through my drafts the other day and found several that didn't get posted so after some's one of those posts.  Do you remember I showed you this cornice molding from a house from the 1880's era that I was given?  I decided to turn it into something pretty and useful.
It needed a bit of repair.  Whoever removed it from above that door was not gentle about it.  After repairing some holes, I decided the top ledge needed to be a bit wider.
 I cut a 1x4" board down to the right length and width.  I miter cut the ends to match the angle on the top of it and attached it to the cornice.  This way it can be used as a small ledge...adding to it's usefulness. 
 Then I painted it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White.
 Don't you just love the details on it?  I sure do.
 I cut down the rails from an old broken chair to create pegs.  I painted them to match and attached them with glue and screws from the back side.  I took it to the craft fair back at the end of April, but it came home with me.  So I've added it to my stash of inventory for the next craft fair.  I'm hoping I will find it a new home soon because it's just too lovely to be in storage and I have no wall space for it.  Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. It is too pretty to be in storage. :)

    Love how it turned out with that little ledge.


  2. Love it! I love when things get recycled and repurposed.

  3. It is a great piece, it should go at the next sale!!! Hope you got some rain for the crops, thanks for stopping by, Laura

  4. It is truly lovely! I hope it sells for you.

  5. You are so clever! I hope it finds a new loving home!

  6. I love it!! Someday I will get a router. I really love what you did with this!

  7. Love this... how I wish I could work with wood... you make it look so easy....


  8. I wish I lived in a house with a big garage filled with all the power tools needed to do the kind of work you do. Alas, I live in an apartment, no garage, and I'd need to win the lottery to afford all those tools. :-(
