
Monday, July 23, 2012

It's feature time...

Hi Everyone!  It's time for this weeks features.  I want to start by saying thank you to everyone that linked up to our party.  I can't believe all the link ups we had this week.  I had a great time visiting and meeting each one of you. 
Now the hard part......picking out my favorites.  You guys make it very difficult each week for me to pick my favorites because there are just so many wonderful projects linked up.  Now on with the show...

First off we have this driftwood sailboat by Sara from Alderberry Hill.  Isn't this adorable!  I so want one of these for my bedroom.  I love the bright colors of the sail against the driftwood.  My mom picked me up some driftwood when they were Florida this winter, I'm going to have to see if one would be large enough to make this.

Sarah @ Alderberry Hill

Next we have this foil letter by Amy from Home Happy Home.  I love this and her tutorial makes it look so easy.  I think I need to try this.  Maybe I should make the letters for studio to hang in my new studio.
Amy @ Home Happy Home

I so want to attend a party at the Bliss Ranch.  Look at what she did with an old dresser.  I just adore this portable bar.  You really need to stop by and see all the details.  It's such a great idea and re-purpose of a dresser.  And how great are those legs and feet.  Love that it has casters. 
Bliss @ Bliss Ranch

Have I told you before how much I love old windows?  So when I saw what Sheila at Blissfully Shabby did with an old window and old wheel it was love at first sight.  It makes me what to check my window stash to see if I could make something like this.
Sheila @ Blissfully Shabby

Next up is this chair makeover from Amber at What Amber Loves.  What a great use of old belts.  It's genius.  I have an old chair that I could do this now I need to start collecting belts.
Amber @ What Amber Loves

And last, but not least is the adorable Puppy Party by Alyssa from What's Cooking, Love?.  What a great theme for a one-year old's birthday.  I love how she carried the theme into the rest of the party by using the dog dishes as serving bowls.  Love it!
Alyssa @ What's Cooking, Love?
 Be sure to stop by and say hi to these ladies.  It will definitely be worth it.  And if you've been featured, please grab a featured button.
Full Circle Creations
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Full Circle Creations"><img src="" alt="Full Circle Creations" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Thanks again for making our party a great success.  And don't forget to stop by tomorrow night and link up to the 8th All Star Block Party!    Thanks for stopping by.


  1. :D :D Thanks for featuring my belt Chair!! I'm still really new to blogging, so I'm still learning as I go and loving it! I was able to get your button installed onto my new "Shares" page, too! I'm pretty excited about all of it, because it's the first time I've ever been featured and my first time installing a button! You've helped make my entry into the blogging world outstanding!! :D :D

    1. You are so sweet! Well let me say...welcome to blogging! I'm glad that I could provide a few firsts for you! I really do love your belt chairs!


  2. Thank you muchly for the dresser bar feature. Don't feel bad because it seems to be all over, it's happy to be here!


  3. As always, great features. I love seeing great projects highlighted.

  4. I'm so happy to be included with these awesome features, thank you so much!

  5. Such cute projects! I am visiting from the Thee Blog Hop. I am a little late but I just wanted to stop by! I am a new follower! I blog over at hope you will stop by and do the same. I have an awesome giveaway going on with a Cricut machine! I would Love it if you would stop by and enter!


  6. Interesting projects! Love to see the imagination (that I lack) put into making something wonderful.

  7. Great post...thanks for sharing all these neat projects. I'm now your your latest GFC follower. I found you through the MadeInADay Blog Hop. Looking forward to staying connected!

    Best regards,

  8. Thank you so much for featuring my post about my son's puppy party and thanks for hosting!

  9. Thank you so much for featuring me! I have a weakness for old windows and doors. They are my absolute favorite thing to decorate with!
    I hope you have been having a sweeeeet summer!

  10. Thank you so much for featuring me! I have a weakness for old windows and doors. They are my absolute favorite thing to decorate with!
    I hope you have been having a sweeeeet summer!
