
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Serpentine dresser reveal and an announcement....

Hi Everyone!  I hope your weekend was great.  I've had a very productive weekend working on my studio.  I'm getting closer to being done with it.  Thank goodness because I have a lot of work to do to get ready for the fall craft season which will be here before I know it.

If you recall, I showed you almost two weeks ago a dresser that I picked up for $20, you can see that here.
 There really wasn't anything terrible about the finish on this dresser.  It had a small water ring on the top but I didn't really like the orange wood look.  I have several other things that are this color that I would NOT paint because they are very special pieces to me.  I know that there are some of you out there that believe you shouldn't paint a piece of furniture like this, so if that's you, then please stop reading at this point!  Otherwise, please feel free to continue reading.  And know that I bought this dresser for the express purpose of painting it. 
 And here it is.  I stripped the top and stained it with dark walnut.  I used a product I hadn't used before, it's a foam stain.  And it worked wonderfully.
 I painted it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  I painted the body in Graphite and the drawer fronts in Old White.  For the pulls I used the same barn red paint that I mixed for the the shutters I did. 
 I really like how it turned out.  And it looks great in the studio with the blue and gray wall colors.
 I staged the dresser with some things I've made, but it won't stay this way.  I needed this to house my tv so that it can swivel back and forth between the two spaces.  I like to work in the studio with the tv on and this way I didn't need two sets.
With this dresser finished, I'm another step closer to being "finished" with my studio.  I say finished, but we all know that we're never completely finished.
There's only a few big things that I have left to do and some things that need painted like the table legs that I built, a storage cart and the chairs at the tables but I will probably hold off on painting them until after fair season is over.  But I won't hold off the reveal for those things to be completed.

And now onto my little announcement.  You might have noticed that my header changed.  I did that to update the pics of things I've made and because I wanted consistency across sites like this one, FB and my new site.  I created a website for my business.  I feel like my little business is growing up.  I couldn't buy the domain name that I wanted of fullcirclecreations so I had to settle for  Parts of the site are still under construction and probably will be for  a little while as I start working on building up inventory for fair season, but I'll try to get it done as soon as I can.  Please take a look at it and let me know what you think.  And any suggestions would be appreciated.  There are already a few things I want to change.  Now I need to finish working on a few orders that have come in this week.  Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. CONGRATULATIONS. I am sure your business will be hugely successful. Best of luck and...What a great dresser makeover.

  2. Well, my very best to you on this new expanded business venture!
    The dresser is charming....very Americana!

  3. I think it looks great, and happy you are turning a like into a business. You go!


  4. LOVE the dresser Holly! Your studio is going to be fabulous! (lots better than my hole in the wall basement shop)

    I'll be checking out your site too!

