
Monday, August 20, 2012

It's feature time....

Hi Everyone!  It's time for this weeks features.  I want to start by saying thank you to everyone that linked up to our party.  I can't believe all the link ups we had this week.  I had a great time visiting and meeting each one of you. 
Now the hard part......picking out my favorites.  You guys make it very difficult each week for me to pick my favorites because there are just so many wonderful projects linked up.  Now on with the show...

I love this little side table.  I could just see it sitting next to me couch.  Karin did a great job with the paint and the graphic on the top of the table.
Karin @ Art is Beauty
 I love this quilt.  I am envious of anyone who can do this.  I've always wanted to learn to quilt but so far haven't had the time.  I think Jann should stop by and teach me how to do this.  I love it!
Jann @ Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
I love the look of this distressed dresser.  Didn't Beth do a great job?  Stop by and check out the coffee table she did.  Nicely done!
Beth @ Make Me Pretty Again

Doesn't this look like  a delicious slice of cake?  But don't try to eat's not edible.  It's contains a secret box inside.  Stop by and check out how Adrianne made this.
Adrianne @ Happy Hour Projects

This beer bread looks and sounds wonderful.  I normally only make homemade bread to give as gifts at Christmas time, but this looks too good not to try. 
Melissa @ Mama Miss
 Be sure to stop by and say hi.  It will definitely be worth it.  And if you've been featured, please grab a featured button.
Full Circle Creations
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Full Circle Creations"><img src="" alt="Full Circle Creations" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Thanks again for making our party a great success.  And don't forget to stop by later tonight and link up to the 12th All Star Block Party!    Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Great features. I love the shape and size of that awesome distressed dresser.

  2. Holly, thanks so much for the feature! I really appreciate it. Happy to come help you quilt anytime. Where did you say you live? lol! I have made that beer bread before and it is delicious! Thanks again!

  3. Thanks Holly for featuring my beer bread!
    What a wonderful surprise :)

    xx melissa @ mamamiss

  4. Loved your features!!!!

