
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pondering thoughts....

Hi Everyone!  I hope your week is going well.  I'm trying to put the finishing touches on my studio so I can reveal it to you next week...hopefully!  And I've been busy working on four custom orders which I will share with you when I'm finished.  Since I don't have any new projects to share I thought I'd share with you something I've been thinking about lately...
How do you refer to yourself?  What I mean by that is do you call yourself an artist, a designer, a crafter, a woodworker....?  Several people have referred to me as an artist and I've been getting offers for designers.  I have not now nor have I ever referred to myself as an artist although I dabble in art....I don't call myself a designer although I do "design" the furniture I build (I don't follow plans made by someone else)....I don't call myself a woodworker although I do a lot of work with wood....I don't call myself a crafter (I actually don't like that term) because around here it has a negative connotation.

I do refer to myself as a creative person...a small business owner...a bookkeeper (my day job)...a blogger...not to mention daughter, sister, friend.  I was thinking about this as I set up my website and Google +1 when it came to filling in the About Me part.  I don't know about you, but I find that to be the most difficult thing to write.  How do you quickly sum up in as few words as possible who you are and what you're about?
I generally stumble around, write four or five drafts of what I'd like to say and then edit, edit and edit.  And then second guess myself...did I say too much...not enough...does it seem interesting enough to get someone's attention...until I just give up and go with is for a few weeks until I go back and edit it all over again.  Why is it that it's so difficult to sum up who you are?  Or am I the only one that feels this way?  How do you decide what to say?  I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject.  Now I really must get back to work so I have something more interesting to share with you.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Genius. Beacon of Awesomeness. Maestro. ??

    On my business card, I wrote: Blogger, Visionary, Know-it-all.

  2. Hi, Holly! Stopping by from the block party hop to say hello and thank you for hosting. I saw this new post and thought I'd leave my comment here. I just want you to know that you are definitely not alone when it comes to defining yourself on profile(s). I am also the type who's compelled to re-edit on a regular basis. I remember when I signed up for LinkedIn. It automatically designated me as an "author", I suppose due to the blog. It felt pretty odd to me. I don't honestly know the right answer, but I think you just have to go with what feels most like "you"... to you. (if that makes sense?) If you end up changing your profile as you evolve, then I'd say that's what's right and/or what works for you.

    Sorry that this turned into a small novel. I hope I didn't bore you to tears. Anyway... I'm now following you on GFC, Linky and Facebook. It's really nice to meet you. Hope you have a great rest of the week and an awesome weekend. :~) ~Mary

  3. ooops! Thought that was a Facebook "Like" button for your FB page...

  4. You are absolutely an artist!! Any one that does all that you do and so well too is an artist!

  5. I have the same problem. I could think of clever things to say or describe other bloggers as but for myself, it's so much harder. I love that, even though you are humble, you are being propelled into the title artist or designer. It really does seem fitting. Book keeper you are not, even if it does pay the bills for the moment.

  6. I think "artist" is a hard word for some of us to use. In my profile I say "artist wannabe" can't quite call myself an artist. Thanks for popping in, Laura

  7. Holly, maybe just tell your story in your profile. When you started building, designing, creating and why it became your passion and something you enjoy. I think people care more about how you developed and the reasons than labels.

  8. Hi, Holly! So glad you stopped by. Thank you for the really lovely comments. That reply issue should be taken care of now. It was always connected before, so I don't know what happened. Kinda creepy that it changed without my knowledge... *cue Twilight Zone music* Thanks so much for letting me know about it.

  9. He he... that first comment cracks me up. I know one gal that calls herself a 'maker'. Not really flowery enough for all the cool things you're making though. Thanks much for your visit and comments on my blog! :) Good luck with that descriptor! :)

  10. I think it's hard to narrow down what we are into one word. That's probably where we stumble. We are more than we think we are anyway. You look like you have many talents and should be proud to list them!

  11. It's difficult to put a label on what you do. We artists wear many different hats. I have considered myself an "artist" since I was three, and can remember pursuing it from that age, challenging kids to art contests at recess, etc. Too funny!
