
Monday, August 13, 2012

Tree slices turned art....

Hi Everyone!  I hope your week is off to a terrific start.  The weather the last couple of days has been great.  And I've been able to get a lot done, which is good since my first fall fair is in a month.  I still have a lot to do but I'm beginning to cross things off my list.  Do you remember the frames I showed you the other day....well here's what I did with the two matching frames.
I took a piece of scrap luan, cut them to size to fit the frames, painted one English Ivy Green and the other a navy color that I mixed myself using Cobalt Blue and Black.
I took some hickory branches and cut them into slices of varying sizes.
Then I randomly glued them to the luan. 
I painted the frames the same colors as the background since I want the tree branch slices to stand out more than the color.
I put a sealer over the tree branch slices before I framed them.
 A couple of unique art pieces that are more on the masculine side. 
I've decided to make a line of items for my shop that are for the guys.  I decided I needed to after a customer asked if I had anything for a gift for her son.  And of course I didn't, so I'm trying to add some items.  I have a few more things that I'm working on and hope to be able to share with you later in the week.

The weather is suppose to be great tomorrow.  I have some yard work to do and then it's shop time.  I have a bench to paint, a stand to build, custom ordered signs to make, and inventory build up to do.  Not to mention laundry, groceries and a trip to the lumber yard for some boards.  Now I need to get the base coats done for those custom order signs so I can work on the hand painting tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. cool projects Holly! I think it's great to have manly stuff. hahaha


  2. Are you kidding me? That is AMAZING. Love it! I would have spent hours obsessing about where to glue down the slices of branches. Really beautiful!

  3. Those are so beautiful! I love that you painted the frames and background the same color! It really does make the slices pop! Nice project and it turned out great!

  4. Oh I love how those came out! Very nice & love that they bring in a bit of nature!

  5. That artwork with the wood slices is just the coolest thing! This is a great idea for more masculine gifts in your shop.
    I really like paintings and the bench in the top (in your header)...came here via CCC, Pat

  6. I agree, great idea and love the look !

  7. This looks great! I was wanting to try a project myself to make some placemats. Very cool as art though.
