
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Yard stick trestle table....

Hi Everyone!  I hope you're having a great weekend.  It's been great here.  We had almost 4 3/4" of rain here since the early hours of the morning on Saturday through sometime this morning.  YEAH!  I finished the table that I started last week except for the top coat of poly.  There's just too much humidity here today to finish that so I'll add it to my list for Tuesday.
 I took this pile of lumber and turned it into my version of a trestle table....
And used my stash of vintage yardsticks (only a few are in this picture) to create this...
 ...table top.
 I really like the way this turned out.
 I think the base gives it an interesting look.
Sorry for the flash on the black...the sun isn't out and I couldn't get a better close up without fading the black out and I didn't want to wait to show you. 
I designed it with the intent of it being used as a side table or bedside table.  I also made it take to the fair next month, but I really like the way it turned out....I think I should keep I have a decision to make.
I added a bit of antique medium to the top to darken some of the yardsticks and tone down the yellow a bit.  It really looks so much better in person.
And the supports going between the two legs are just large enough to put a few pretties or books on.
Every time I walk by the studio and look in, I realize I like it more and more.  I think I'm going to have a difficult time saying good-bye to it.  Thanks for stopping by.

Linking to: 


  1. I would find it extemely hard to give that away Holly, it's gorgeous !

  2. I don't think I could part with that one! I love it!

  3. I think you should keep it:) I found you through the linky party at Alderberry Hill and I'm now following you, yay. Love it, Thanks for sharing.


  4. NO WAY. This certainly *measured* up to be a stunning table. WOW. I still can't believe the deal you got on most of your yard sticks. You must either really know how to bat your eyes to get a good deal or be in the right place at the right time. This table is STUNNING. I absolutely love it.

  5. This table top is SPECTACULAR!! I've been hoping to find a lot of them, but have unsuccessful thus far with my hunt. Your project is just the sort of thing that I would LOVE to create! ~Amber

  6. What a neat idea! Looks great! I'd love for you to share it at my linky party, Twirl & Take a Bow at I think it would be a great addition! Hope you can join!

  7. Funny to see this today. I was telling my husband about a plan to use my yardstick collection (I have around 130 now) in making a shelf for my sewing room. I have them all shoved in crocks right now and want to see more of them. I don't want to cut, nail, glue or staple any of them, though. I love the way your table looks but I can't bear to sacrifice most of mine. I know, weird. Thanks for sharing. It is nice to see I am not the only one with these ideas my husband rolls his eyes over!

  8. Your table turned out awesome! I really like the design of the legs and the way you mixed it up on the top by throwing in some yellow. Great work Holly! Keep it you deserve it ;)

  9. I love this table! It would be hard to decide whether to keep it or sell it- but if you've already fallen in love with it, I say keep it!
