
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Craft fair in review....

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are all having a great week.  I'm still trying to get over the fair this past weekend...not to mention the last couple of weeks getting ready for the fair.  It was a great fair.  The best I've ever had.  Here are some of the pictures....
 This bench sold before the fair started.  It has storage in the seat and is the prettiest shade of green.
 I took 6 benches and sold 4 of them. 
 The basket ladder sold as did the cream bench that is next to it.
 My trio of dandelions paintings sold to the sweetest gal.  I was a little sad to see them go.
 I loved this little black bench.  It has storage in the seat.  Two ladies bought it for a gift for their mother.
 The black peg board and the cream peg shelf both sold.  The cream bench with the saying didn't sell, but the black Jenny Lind bench with storage did.
 This black bench with storage didn't sell, but everything on the seat did.
 This framed artwork sold.
 I sold lots of ornaments.
 But this cute sign didn't sell.
 I sold several decorated trees and lots of sheet music ornaments.
 I sold 18 undecorated spindle trees.
Neither of these sheet music wreaths sold.

 I sold a few hand painted signs. And four of the mirrored windows.
 My family tree painting sold.
 But the wooden pumpkins didn't....and neither did the white shelf.
 My yardstick table sold as we were packing up the booth.  You gotta love last minute sales!
 All of the artwork in this last two pictures sold, but not the white peg board.
It was a really great day!  I had the chance to meet a lot of really wonderful people, including some readers which is always great!  I handed out almost an entire box of business cards.  And received a few orders too. 

Now I have to put everything away and set the studio back up since I took almost everything out of it.  I normally have one more fair for the season, but I decided last year to not attend that one since it hasn't been that great for the last couple of years.  It is really strange to be done with fair season so early.  I'm thinking of having an open house at the studio.....must think serious about it and get it scheduled....just another thing to add to my to do list. 

So that's some of what I've been up to the last month or two.  Anything that didn't sell will be listed in my Etsy shop over the next week or will be for sale in the studio in case you're interested.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow, you did have a successful fair! Lots of great items were for sale and I bet everyone loved their pieces. Great job!

  2. You really did have an awesome fair. So happy for you! You have been busy that was a lot of stuff. ;)

  3. Congratulations on such a successful fair! I love those sheet music wreaths and the benches are beautiful. Great job!


  4. woohoo Holly! what a great sale! Your stuff is so cute, you do such fabulous work!
    congrats on all the sales!


  5. So glad you had a great day! You had some amazing pieces.

  6. So glad you did so well at the Fair - you definitely deserve it with all your hard work, and your booth looks great Holly xx

  7. Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog! Great work and such a nice recap of your craft show. Helpful insight!

