
Monday, December 24, 2012

A custom hand painted sign...

Hi Everyone!  Merry Christmas Eve!  I'm sure you're all running around trying to get last minute things accomplished, I worked until noon today, now I'm working on a couple of orders that came in this weekend and waiting until it's time to head over to my parents for Christmas Eve.  I'm making chicken stir-fry at my parents house tonight.  It's just the three of us for Christmas this brother's family couldn't make it.

Today, I thought I'd show you one of the custom orders I received this holiday season. 
 I was asked to make this as a Christmas gift for a wife to her husband.  I doubt he reads my blog, so I think it's safe to show it before he opens it tomorrow.
 I made this on a piece of scrap wood that has some gouges in it...which I think adds to the look of it (they don't really show up in the pictures).
 I was a little nervous about painting a deer (I had never done it before).  But I'm really happy with the way it turned out.
I hand painted the lettering and the scrolls and decorative lines.  If you look closely, you can see that the right and left sides of the decorative edges aren't exactly identical.  I just couldn't make them match.  So now I need to get back to work on the two orders I received this weekend.  Funny thing is, they are both for my trio of dandelion paintings.
Which seem so strange to be painting at this time of year, but I love making these and it gets me thinking of spring/summer, especially since it's cold here and the wind is blowing.  I hope you are ready for Christmas and enjoy this time with your family and friends.  Merry Christmas Friends!  And thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Hoping you have a very happy and blessed Christmas my friend. Diane

  2. Love the signs. Your deer turned out perfectly! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. Love that custom sign Holly! You did a great job.


  4. Hi Lovely, I'm your new follower from Blog Hop.
    Love your awesome blog. Feel free to check out & follow my blog @

  5. Holly! That hunting camp sign is wonderful. It's hard to believe you've never painted a deer before...really?!?!?! It looks perfect. I am sure the lucky husband who got that sign LOVED it. Your dandelion signs are also beautiful. They remind me of the joy Grace has whenever she spots one and happily blows on them.
