
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Good bye 2012...hello 2013....

Hi Everyone!  I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2012.  So much has happened this year...I thought about doing a best of but it's really not my style (but I'll show you a few pictures from this year).  I appreciate all that has happened this year, the good and the bad, because you can't really appreciate the good without knowing what the bad is. 

I'm looking forward to what's in store for me and my family in  2013.  13 is a lucky number for me and I'm hoping that the luck continues in 2013.

But I'm not counting on luck because it's out of my control....but hard work and determination are things I can control.  And I plan on doing a lot of hard work through determination to make 2013 a great year.

As far as my family, we have a wedding coming up and I look forward to welcoming Rachel into the family when she marries my Marine nephew.  And I hope that good health and happiness continue for everyone in my family and in yours.

As for my business, I hope it continues to be successful in 2013.  I saw a lot of growth in the last four months and I hope that it continues throughout 2013.  Thank you to all my customers for making 2012  so very successful and busy!

 To my friends, thank you for your friendship and for making this journey fun.  I have enjoyed every second of it.  So goodbye to 2012 and here's to an even better 2013.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It has been great following along with you this year! I am so happy things are growing for you, you deserve it. Looking forward to another year of blogging friendship ;)

  2. May you have a successful, healthy, happy 2013. You deserve all the best.

  3. I was here in '12, I'll be right here for '13! I wish you all the best Holly-and the youngin's too!
    Hoping that 2013 is a very wonderful year for you!

  4. Thank you for joining Evelyn and myself for our first ever Let's Get Social Sunday hop! Now following via GFC. Have a safe and Happy New Year! - Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakes

  5. Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year too.
    Happy 2013!!
