
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wedding dress...

 Hi Everyone!  I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.  I want to show you one of things I was working on over the last couple weeks.  I finally finished it last night.
 I started it a few weeks ago and then set it a side to work on orders that I had gotten and finally had time on Wednesday on my snow day.  And last night I was able to get the frame completed.
 Have you seen the movie "The Holiday" that stars Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz?  Do you remember the large painting of the dress in the LA house?  That was my inspiration for this.  The movie was playing on TV one day and I happened to flip to it right at that scene and I decided right then that I needed to paint.
 I knew I wanted the ribbon and bow when I first started painting but I wasn't sure about the color and just went with it.  And I'm really happy that I did.  It's a bold pop of color.  I wasn't sure what color to paint the frame so I picked a distressed black because I wanted the frame to disappear and the dress to be the focus.


  1. Holly, your talents always amazes and impresses me. Another incredibly beautiful creation. The color of the bow is perfect.

  2. Your painting is stunning! Yes, the black frame is perfect, as the white dress just jumps off the canvas.

  3. So so cute, Holly! You are so talented. :)

  4. holly--it's beautiful!!! I love the pop of color, the background color and happy you chose black for the frame. :)
    I've seen the movie, but missed that scene apparently!
    sooo pretty!

  5. Very nice. I have not been painting much but that is something I would like to change this year....
