
Friday, June 14, 2013

A sign...

Hi Everyone!   Thank goodness it's the weekend!  I have tons of work and some mowing to do.  But today I thought I'd show one of the custom signs I made last weekend for a client.  I've made this sign several times before but each time it was a white background with black writing...
....Like this one...
.....But this time, it's the reverse.

And I think I like it better this way.  What do you think?  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Oh my goodness, I love it in the reverse. Was this another custom order?

  2. The black on white is great, but I like the black with white even better!

  3. I like both.... it's hard to say which I like better. Hope you're getting caught up!


  4. I like it both ways actually. So don't do away with one, you are just used to seeing it that way. Call me the voice of reason today, weird huh?

  5. I like it both ways too, do you use a Cricut or something similar, or just draw your signs out by hand ?

  6. Love it, painted both ways, I'd like a RED back ground... I need this sign to wake up to whilst I drink my morning nectar - strong hot coffee ;-)
