
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Headboard city, the sequel...

Hi Everyone!  Can you believe all the things my Aunt Barb, aka the Free Stuff Fairy brought me!  If you missed it, check it out here.  I got 16 head or foot boards.  Can you believe it!?   So here is the line up of headboards...
 Here they all are together, just after we unloaded the van.
 As I put them away I lined them up for pictures....There are full size ones....
 ....a queen size...and a couple of twins....
 ...some are great and ready to use right away, some need a little TLC and others will be pieced out for parts.....And a few of them are my new favorites and I can't wait to get my hands on them!
 Like this twin.  Isn't it grand!  It's missing one of it's decorative pieces....I'll have to remove the other one and then add something back to them since there's no way I can replace the one that's missing.
 This is a full size set.  I love the way the headboard looks like two  seat backs.  It makes it look so unique!
 I love this one!  It's really thick, solid and sturdy.  I can't believe someone drew on it.  I bet some child somewhere was in trouble after doing this!  It also came with it's rails and they are in great shape.  Maybe it should stay a bed?...maybe?.....maybe not.  We'll have to see.
 I love this foot board.  I can just imagine what the headboard looked like....too bad I don't have it.  But it's in pretty rough shape.  So I'll see if I can fix it and if not, then it will be pieced out for parts.
 I really like this one.  I think it's definitely calling out for a saying to be painted on it.
And these two twins are great.  They are a little short to be a bench but will either make great arms for two benches.  Or the legs will be used on armless benches and the the rest of it can become one of the headboard shelves with pegs that I've been making.  So those are the great headboards and foot boards that my Aunt Barb, the Free Stuff Fairy brought up this weekend.  Thanks again Aunt Barb!  And thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow, what a fun assortment you have to work with. No doubt you'll do something fabulous with them.

  2. Wow how lucky are you?! These are great.

  3. That seat back one... are you thinking bench for it? I can so picture that and in my crazy head it is awesome.

  4. What a haul! You may just disappear into your workshop and never come out!

  5. Fun stuff! You will be busy for awhile.

  6. Holy Moly. That's a HUGE collection of headboards. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are going to be so busy :)

  7. How come there are just so many gorgeous old headboards and footboards about ? It's lucky that not so many people have the skills or vision to turn them into great things, like you do. Looking for great stuff for you, must be a full time job for the free stuff fairy !!

  8. a junker can NEVER have too many headboards! The great thing is.. they take up very little room if stored properly!

    happy for ya!!
