
Monday, September 23, 2013

Apple Jack's Fair Recap...

Hi Everyone!  I hope you had a great weekend.  I sure did.  I did really well at the Apple Jack's Fair.  It was two days, all day Saturday (9 to 8) and Sunday (11-4).  And it was a good fair.  My friend Shane helped me load the trailer and set up my booth which was really helpful since this time I decided to take mostly large pieces.  We were able to set up the booth in an hour (which I've never been able to do).  My booth was the first one set up so I had to wait until Saturday to check out any of the other booths.
 My booth is one of the first booths you see when you walk in on this side of the room (there are two entry ways).
 I took two headboard benches and I came home with both of them (which is fine because I have my really big fair next month and that's two less benches I need to make).  I sold the headboard shelf with pegs (sitting in front of the bench).
 I sold the gray and black framed bulletin board that is covered with drop cloth fabric but nothing else in this picture.
 I love this big bulletin board that I made but it didn't sell.  I took the original painting in it and glued the cork board to it, put a layer of batting and topped it with drop cloth fabric.  I sold two of the crates on wheels (both grey).
 I came home with the dresser bench and both stools.
 And I was surprised this rolling crate didn't sell.  I painted it in Lagoon.  I had a lot of lookers and people saying they love the color, but it came home with me.
 I sold the large drawer coffee table and the headboard shelf sitting on top of it (left side of the picture-this is the only one I could find of it).
 This headboard message center also came home with me (but a gal really wanted it-just not in this color so I think I'll be repainting it in Old White).  The rolling cart came home with me too which really surprised me because I kept hearing, "This would be perfect in my kitchen."
 I sold the drawer shelf but not the pedestal table.  I sold the black and stained bench but not the sewing machine table or the two framed pieces.  But I did sell the Love Story pillow.
 I didn't sell the window with chicken wire or the fabric covered bulletin board.
 I love this antique cupboard door with the wreath but it didn't sell.
I sold this antique window with chicken wire.
I didn't sell the Family Tree artwork or the pillow but I did sell a lot of the flower rosette magnets next to it.  And.....I sold the Vine painted dresser to a very sweet lady who just loved it!  I was excited to sell it because I just thought for sure this piece would not sell at this fair and I would be taking it to the big fair next month, but I was wrong.  I was happy to sell it but sad to see it go.  I know that sounds funny since that's what my business is all about, but I will miss this piece.  I got so use to seeing it in the studio.  Now I have a lot of work to do to get ready for my big fair next month.  I have just three weekends to rebuild my stock.  So if you don't hear much from me, that's why.
A big thanks to my parents for their support and help, my booth neighbors and friends Lynett, Heather and Tina, you made it a great two days!  And a big thank you to Shane for helping me load the trailer and set up my booth and for driving out to the farm Sunday morning to rescue me when I had trouble hooking up the trailer!

No time to rest now...I have lots of work to do and only three weekends to get it done.  And then I've decided my next Open House at the Studio is going to be November 9th and 10th.  So there definitely isn't time to rest.  But then this is my favorite business time of the year.  Winter time is for resting!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. So glad you had a good show! On to the next one!

  2. No time to rest is right. I can't believe you have another big fair coming up and an open house. WOW. It's always interesting to see what sells and what doesn't. Loved all your pictures and your recap. Congratulations on your sales.

  3. great recap Holly!! Thanks for sharing all that with us. I love seeing pics of setups. :)
    Happy it was a good sale, and that you now need to get ready for more. It's been a crazy day for me... so busy with cleaning (bunco) and projects, and then WHAM a huge etsy order arrived. Lots of sawing, and painting going on around here. :)
    I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve for your next show

  4. I'm glad it went well Holly. I loved seeing all the photos of your booth and learning which things did and didn't sell, it's so interesting to me. I wish I lived closer and could come and give you a hand (not the building stuff of course, but the going to fairs and selling side of things !).
    Take care x

  5. Sounds like you had a great weekend, Holly. All of the things are beautiful and I can see why you did so well. I hope your next fair will go as well or even better than this one. This is my favorite time of year, both weather-wise and because of the fun things to do, like festivals and fairs, such as the one in which you showed your creations. Best wishes for the season, Holly!!!

  6. So Happy it went well for you... you make lovely items!
