
Monday, October 21, 2013

Fair Recap....

Hi Everyone!  This weekend was the Clarinda Craft Fair and it was a good.  I got to see some friends and family that I haven't seen for a while, and met some new friends and clients.  It was a good day!  The fair was good.  Not as great as last year, but then I took a chance this time by bringing mostly large pieces and saving my smaller items for my open house next month.  I had some good sales but came home with more than I thought I would but that just means less that I have to make for my open house, which is good.  Now on to the fun!
 The black bench that looks like chair backs sold as did the little trees. 
 Two white frames with chicken wire by the dresser sold as did several of the spindle trees.
 I was surprised that the dresser didn't sell, but I got a lot of compliments on it and several ladies are interested in it.
 Several ladies were also interested in the sewing base table but it came home with me.
 I sold the decorated mitten tree and the two small spindle trees as well as all the soap dispensers (in the wooden bowl by the little trees).
 The ladder, both rolling crates, the backless bench and a couple sheet music wreaths sold.
 The headboard shelf (in the corner between the benches) sold but the kid table and chairs came home with me.  I didn't do as well as I did last year, but it was a good day.  Now I will be focusing on getting ready for my Open House on November 9th and 10th.  I have a few things to make for it but the studio is full.  I need to rearrange things to make room for the items I wasn't expecting to bring home with me and decorate it for Christmas!  If you are in the area I would love for you to stop by for the Open House.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love your fair recaps. I love seeing all your beautiful creations out in one place. I am shocked that the kid's table and chairs did not sell. I can't wait to see how well you do for your open house.

  2. I love seeing all your fair projects! I hope your open house goes well for you too. I have a friend who has suggested that I do something similar, but I'm not sure I'm that brave yet ;-)

  3. So much fun looking at your pics. Sorry you brought so much home, but it's time for you to take it easy for a while. ;)
    good luck with your open house!
    loving the black (chair-like) bench.
    I want to build something!

  4. Thanks for sharing the pictures, I love seeing them. I'm glad you sold the black bench as it looks so good. Sorry you didn't sell quite as much as you thought Holly but at least you don't have to work quite so hard for the open house.
