
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!....

Hi Everyone!  Happy New Year!  Here's hoping 2014 is filled with happiness and prosperity.

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and I apologize for my long absence!  Following my Holiday Open House I had to have oral surgery (nothing major) and I took it easy for a couple of days and then hit the ground running to complete a very long list of orders.  I finished the last one up in the early morning hours on Christmas Eve and then delivered it that day.  My original plan had been to complete all orders about a week before that so I would have plenty of time to clean up the shop and my house before my brother and his family arrived for a week.  I missed some family time while finishing up all the orders.  And I had inventory to do right after Christmas at work.  Thank goodness my brother and his family understood.

But I have taken an entire week off without doing too much but going to work.  And my plan is to continue to take the rest of this week off.  It sure seems strange to not have any projects going on!  My list of projects is growing for the new year and I can hardly wait to get started on them!  And I promise to share them all with you!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I miss your posts! I can't wait to see what you have for us in 2014. I built a bench a couple of weeks ago. My first in about a year and a half. Can you believe that? I want to make another one. I've missed making them.
    I may go outside and work today. It's sunny, and our last semi warm day for weeks. I need to take advantage of it.
    Happy New Year!


  2. Happy New Year. You go create and show us when you're done. I'll wait.

  3. I was a bit worried about your lack of posts but just hoping you were busy with work and that it was nothing too serious.
    I hope you still had a great Christmas and glad to hear you're taking it a little bit easier this week.
    All the best for the New Year Holly xx

  4. You are alive! I've missed your posts and seeing your amazing transformations. Can't wait to see what you tackle in 2014.
