
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Construction zone....

Hi Everyone!  I haven't fallen off the face of the earth and nothing bad has happened to me (thanks for your emails of concern), I've just been over the top busy working on the house and a dozen orders that have come in.  What started out as a small bathroom remodel that shouldn't have taken more than about a month has turned into a three room remodel of the bathroom, turning the large pantry into a laundry room, replacing the door between the kitchen and the back porch and a kitchen remodel.  (I've randomly picked pictures to share with you, more details to come).
I've been living in a construction zone, which wasn't too difficult for the first month or so, but has now become horrible.  The only thing that keeps me going are the positive changes I see happening almost everyday.
What makes it the most difficult is not the dust (I've been able to keep that pretty much under control) but for the last two weeks I have been living without a sink.  I don't have one in the bathroom (it isn't here yet) and haven't for a while, but about two weeks ago I pulled the one in the kitchen so I could send it and several other items home with my brother for one of his friends to use in their home remodel.  And I haven't been able to get the new one installed because my counter top isn't here yet.
I've been taking lots of pictures and can't wait to share the after pictures (once I have them).  It's been an adventure and I've discovered things about the house along the way.  But I really can't wait for it to be over.  I had been trying to keep the mess out of the studio which worked for a while but I've had to move items from the kitchen and bathroom into the studio.
I've purged a lot of things both to the dumpster and to the garage to be donated once the remodel is completed.  Changing the pantry into the laundry room has been one of the best moves I could have made, no more going to the basement to do the laundry.  YEAH!
I've had to repair plaster walls in the kitchen and the drywall in the bathroom and laundry room.  I've put new flooring in the bathroom and laundry room and the kitchen is next.  The carpet (yes there has been carpet in the kitchen for as long as I can remember) should all be up by this weekend.
 I removed plaster from the chimney in the kitchen (well almost all of it) and I love the look of the brick (it still needs to be scrubbed with a wire brush, cleaned and sealed.  Trim in all three rooms needs to be done.  Cabinets in the laundry room and kitchen need to be installed along with counter tops.
The wall treatment in the bathroom still needs to be finished and the other walls and ceiling needs painted.  I need to remodel the built-in in the bathroom that my grandfather built and I careful saved and I have plans to build an identical one across from it to house everything that had been in the closet that now houses the shower.  I still need to build the vanity, the medicine cabinet and frame out the plumbing access area to also house a mini linen closet.
So much to do and not enough time in the day to get it all done.  But I will continue to plug away at it until it is all done!  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. No wonder you have been so quiet! Hope things go well and that you get a sink SOON!

  2. I'd say you've been just a little bit busy. But ohhhh how wonderful it's gonna look when it is done. Hang in there, soon dust will be but a memory.

  3. Oh my goodness, what a lot of work !
    I love the look of the exposed brick and the new cabinets in the last picture, can't wait for the after pictures.

  4. Three reactions Holly - 1.What a mess! 2.How will you ever get that all done? 3.This is going to be FANTASTIC! :)

  5. woohoo! :) it's going to be so fabulous! It's a huge undertaking, you're a brave woman Holly!


  6. Girl, I am exhausted just looking at all that work! What a job, exhausting maybe, but exciting for you I am sure. You will be very happy when all the renos and work is done....will look great!

  7. Well, I'm hoping, by now, you have a sink and most of your construction is behind you. Where are the updated pictures???
