
Friday, February 3, 2012

Little box...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Weekend!  We are in for some nasty weather this weekend if the weather man is right. We're in for a mix of rain, snow, ice and wind.  I'm hoping that the weather man is wrong, although I would take some rain.  It's awfully dusty around here.  I hope your weather is better and that you have great plans for this weekend.  I have projects to work on, cleaning to do, and a book I'd like to read....we'll see if that one happens.  
I want to show you what I made last night.  Isn't it cute?
I've been trying to make things from my stash of inventory without spending any money and only using what I have on hand or what someone has given me.  I found these in my stash.  I have four of them.  I got these about six years ago.  I can't remember what I got them for or what I was planning on doing with them, but there they were, just waiting to be used in a project.
 I found some scrap lumber and cut them down to size.
 Then using glue, my nail gun and a few strategically placed screws, I assembled this box.
 I filled the nail holes, sanded it down, and slapped on some pewter gray paint for the base coat.  And since it is the base coat, I wasn't very careful about how it went on.
When it had dried, I painted a top coat of Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint in Old White.  And once it dried, I took my mouse sander to it.  I sanded key areas heavily and other areas very lightly.

 I had some vintage milk bottles that just fight nicely into the box.
 And I couldn't resist adding some flowers for a pop of color.
I like how it turned out.  I think I might use this in my bathroom once I decide on how I'm going to redo it.  What would you use it for?  Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!



  1. At first glance, I thought you had an old sewing machine drawer! It looks cute with the flowers.

  2. Holly, I love your little box! I picked up some very old chippy bullseye pieces... I never did anything with them. lol

    Your box reminds me of an old sewing drawer... so sweet!
    have a great weekend, hope you get some needed rain, but not any of that other nasty stuff!

  3. How gorgeous!! You're pretty handy with your lumber!! I love the pewter finish - gorgeous!


  4. Beautifully done, turned out very nice. In the bathroom it might look good with some rolled hand towels, or on top of the toilet tank with some toilet paper rolls....the flowers there look pretty too, I am all for flowers in the house!! Diane

  5. Great project. At first and second glance it looked like a vintage sewing machine drawer. Good project.

  6. This is so cool! Don't you love it when you find something you've never used and it suddenly inspires you? What a great project. If I had it I would use it on my kitchen table and it probably would hold flowers too! Thanks for sharing. Saw you over at Alderberry Hill and I'm your newest Linky Follower.

  7. Very cute little box, looks pretty simple and turned out great. Thanks for sharing, visiting via Make the Scene Monday

  8. So cute! I love all kinds of boxes to use in vignettes. I like the milk bottles and flowers you added.
    I'm your newest follower, Mary Alice

  9. That looks great! I wonder if you could do this to fit tissue boxes or toilet paper rolls for the bathroom? Love this idea! Thanks for sharing at my party!
