
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Basket love continued...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Thursday!  The weather this week has been wonderful, so not like Iowa in January or early February.  It's been in the high 50's or low 60's for three days.  But we are expecting not so great weather this weekend.  Rain, ice, snow and wind.  I'd take some rain, but the rest can just stay away.

I want to share with you what I came up with last Friday, but didn't finish until last night.  Not that it was a difficult project, I just had too many other things that I needed to finish.  I drew up the plans on Saturday and located all of the wood I was going to use, but didn't get it put together until last night.  I got it painted and ready for pictures, but it was late so I didn't get it staged.  And I just couldn't wait to show you.  Do you remember the baskets my friend Keith rescued from becoming a pile of metal?  If not, you can check it out here.  Well, this is what I did with a couple of them.
So what do you think?  And I have the perfect place for it in my bathroom once I paint and move some things around.  I made the ladder out of reclaimed pine and the rungs are from an old wooden closet rod.
 I almost forgot to take any pictures of it before I painted it.
I painted it with a base coat of gray.  And the top coat is Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint in Old White.
 Here's the base coat.  I just sort of slapped it one, not caring how it looked since it's the base coat.
 And here it is after I painted it with ASCP in old white and then sanded it with my mouse sander.  The basket is hanging by four white hooks.

 I decided not to put rungs where the baskets are at.  I think it makes it look more like a re-purposed broken ladder rather than something I made.

 I sanded it pretty heavily to reveal a lot of the gray base coat, especially on the rungs.
I still need to put a coat of sealer on the baskets.
I'm really happy with the way it turned out.  And while I was waiting for the paint to dry so I could sand it, I opened up my latest Pottery Barn catalog and look what I saw.  I swear, I did NOT see this before I made mine.  But how funny is that.
Pottery Barn for $279.00
I like mine better because it was FREE!  I didn't have to buy anything to make it.  Everything was already on hand.  And the baskets were saved from going to the dump!  I like that the basket numbers are facing forward on mine so you can really see what they are.  So what would you have made with those baskets?  Have you ever made something and then found it later in a magazine or catalog?  Thanks for stopping.

Linking to:


  1. Clever lady, the basket ladder looks excellent. And you saved yourself $279 (PB's price). You will have to show us what it looks like in the bathroom, maybe with a pretty towel or two. Great work! Diane

  2. I *love* this! You did a terrific job.

  3. The moment I saw your first picture I thought about something similar at Pottery Barn. I like your version much better because it wasn't mass produced and you just can't beat the price. Love those baskets and your fabulous paint job!!

  4. Holly--I love your ladder! It's so sweet! That's funny how you saw it in the catalog! hahaha

    Hey, can I ask you how you get the "reply" under your comments? I need to do that, and I can't figure it out. Help a girl out, k?


  5. I totally love this! I was hoping to make the same type of thing! NowI just need a
    Anyhow, thanks for posting!

  6. Great knock off, excellent job! Stopping over from Funky Junk, your ladder caught my eye.


    Bliss Ranch

  7. Personally, I like yours better than Pottery Barn! And now I am your newest follower!
    :) Samantha @ Crafty Texas Girls

  8. I finally found your new blog. I saw that you followed mine, but the link I found took me to your old one. I love your ladder Holly! I'm going to have to take a stroll around your blog. Thanks for following. I am following you in my google reader because my blogger dashboard is full!

  9. I l.o.v.e. your basket ladder. It's so ingenious. Funny that PB copied you!

  10. mmm ladders and baskets - what a great combo! i'm your newest linky follower - would love to have ya swing by for a visit anytime! xo

  11. Wow, thanks for sharing this. I just purchased a small ladder for my bathroom. I love the idea of adding the baskets!

  12. Love the ladder with baskets! I especially love it was free...I'm all about free decor. :)

  13. I love old locker baskets and I love old ladders so this is a great project to me.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Blessings, Amy

  14. Ladders & locker baskets-can it get any better!

  15. Wow, I so want one of these, but you right to expensive to buy. I can't even find a reasonable old ladder. Love the baskets, and free wow who would throw them away. Sure wish I got there before you did. I think you new old ladder looks great, also like that you left the runs out of the ladder. I think it does looks better then PB, and you sure can't beat the price. I like how you angled the top part of the ladder to look like a ladder! Thanks for sharing your creative inspirations at Sunday's Best!

  16. That is so cool!! Love it! So ingenious - that would be cool to find something in a magazine that you just did on your own. :) I absolutely love baskets, but I've never used them in a creative way. I'll have to think on that.

    Thanks for sharing this on Take it on Tuesday blog hop!

  17. I really think it is wonderful. Very creative and thrifty.

  18. I absolutely love this!! You did such a great job and I love the way it looks against that red wall! I love that the inspired picture is in the bathroom, I think that would be so fun in a restroom if you have the space for it!

    I would love it if you would come link up at our first ever Naturally-Nifty Link Party #1!

    -Your newest subscriber!

  19. Hey also I showed off your great project on our facebook page!

  20. I am in love too! Thanks for linking up at Cowgirl Up! Hope to see you next week!

  21. What a great idea! I am always on the lookout for new organizational ideas that are cheap! Stopping by from Take it On Tuesday blog hop!

  22. Love your idea! How fun to use in a bathroom or kids' room as a catchall.
    Mary Alice

  23. I just found your post on Savvy Southern Style. I linked up right before you with a linked called "Basket Love" too! How funny... Your baskets look awesome! Love this idea!


  24. Love this look. You did a awesome job. Wish I had room in my bathroom for a ladder. Found you on Savvy Southern Style.
    Hope you will visit me at Timeless Treasures.
    Audrey Z.

  25. Ladder + baskets + gray + chalk paint + free - that could only equal AMAZING! I'd love it if you'd share this at my Show & Tell party, going on now @ the Delectable Home.

  26. I love your basket idea. Thanks for sharing it.

  27. Love this project. It looks so much like your inspiration photo. Great idea too. I'm a new LF follower, thanks for joining Cowgirl Up.

  28. How awesome is that! I still can't believe you made the ladder too! WOW, you are really good!!!!

  29. That is so cool! Where did you find those baskets? They whole thing is great!

    Thanks for linking it up @ Creatively Living

  30. I've featured this great project @ the Delectable Home. Thanks for linking up!

  31. Great job!! Thanks for linking up!

    XO, Aimee

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