
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dancing in the rain....

Hi Everyone.  I hope you had a good Independence Day.  Since it was in the middle of the week I was able to have two days off in a row....and I took full advantage of it.  But it has my week all thrown off base.  I already had a Monday, but it feels like I get another "Monday" after having two days off.  Plus it's a short week.  I was able to work on a lot of projects these past two days.  But I only finished three of them and I have a lot more to do.

 This is one of my favorite sayings.  I have made several different kinds of signs over the years using this saying.  I've even painted it on a wooden plate.  But this is the first time I have turned it into a painting.
 Isn't it fun?
 I like the way the umbrella turned out....
 ...and the galoshes....
 I showed it to my parents and they both really liked.  Just something a bit different.  I painted it on a canvas board and then framed it in a wooden frame that I painted black and distressed.  In person the blue background really does look watery.  It's simple with a touch of whimsey.  I'm happy with it.  What do you think?  Thanks for stopping by.

Linking to:


  1. awww, so cute Holly! You're such a great painter! We need rain here...we got a little overnight. But since I was sleeping (2 am) I'm not sure how much we got, nor was I out dancing in it. hahaha
    this week is all silly and I don't know what day it is... have a good one!

  2. I love that saying and I love that you captured it in your home! It is so true! Happy Friday!

  3. This is lovely! Love the quote. I was certainly dancing in the rain during the severe storms that came through on 4th of July and blowing my 4th of July decorations off the porch and into the driveway! Glad you had some time off to do this project!

  4. My kids love to run in the rain, even now that they are older. I should learn from them huh?

    Thanks for linking up with our Hot Fun in the Summertime party. How fun to dance in the rain on a hot summer day.


  5. Thanks so much for linking to our party, Hot Fun in the Summertime. Hope to see you next week. Your sign happens to be one of my favorite sayings.

  6. I really like your saying. Learning to dance in the rain is a good idea both figuratively and literally.

  7. Hi Holly...
    So glad "to meet" ....will look forward to following your work & adventures.
    Love this artwork! You are very talented...and the words, so true, so true!
