
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

All Star Block Party #5....

Hi Everyone!  Welcome to the All Star Block Party!  Thank you so much for making our fourth party a great success.  And if you haven't seen my features click here to check them out and to check out the features of my co-hosts, head over to their blogs..... and say hello!
      Shasta @ In The Old Road
      Carri @ Simply Done Wright
      Heather @ New House, New Home, New Life
           Meg @ Nutmeg Place

In honor of Independence Day,  I thought I would share one of my favorite holiday decor link ups of Kimberly's.  I love both of her flags, this one and the beachy one.
Kimberly @ Serendipity Refined
 And this is one of my own.  I use to throw a big 4th of July Party with fireworks and a cookout and all day activities for the kids which took about a month to prepare for but I stopped doing that the last two years so I don't decorate the way I used to, but I do have my wooden flag out.
And I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July planned.  Since Dad is still recovering from his surgery, it will be a low-key holiday around here.  I have big plans to work on projects both out in the shop and here in the house.

Now the business part of the party....We ask that you be a follower to participate. 
Link back to the blog that you linked up to.
Keep your links family friendly.
Only submit projects made by you.
No business pages, giveaways or link parties allowed.
We reserve the right to delete any link that does not follow these rules.

You are welcome to link up any of YOUR creations, old or new.  It can be crafts, remodels, woodworking, artwork, recipes, gardening, sewing get the idea.  We want to see what YOU'VE been working on Make sure that your link  is to your specific post and not your blog's main URL.  Be sure to visit some of your fellow blogger's link ups.  Then leave them some comment love.
Full Circle Creations
So grab a button and show us what you've been up to.

This section for crafts, DIY, decor, etc.

This section for food and drinks


  1. Thank you for hosting this party! I know it takes a lot of work.

  2. Holly, So glad you are hosting the party again! Thanks for letting us come to link up. Your time is appreciated. And thank you for coming over to Quirky Vistas and leaving me a sweet message about my Shadow of the Flag post. Is your nephew still at Bootcamp or has he gone on to the next training after that? I wish all the best for him and your family. I hope your family is connected through a Marine Corps family forum. They are so helpful. I am so grateful that your nephew has taken up the valuable job of protecting our nation.

  3. I'm a bit late to the party as always - glad to see it's going well, and thanks to you and all your blogging buddies for hosting !
