
Monday, July 2, 2012

It's feature time...

Hi Everyone!  I want to thank you all for linking up to the All Star Block Party!  WOW, 114 entries!  What a great party!  Thank you for making it such a great success.  I really loved checking out your projects and can't wait to see what you've been up to this week so I hope you will all stop by again and link up. There were so many wonderful projects linked up and I manged to pick out a few of my favorites.  You guys really make it difficult on a gal to narrow it down.

First of all, I love old ladders.  I love what Anne did with this old ladder.  Isn't it great!  It just adds such wonderful character and I love the way it's been decorated.
Anne @ White Lace Cottage

Next we have this outdoor shower.  I so what one of these.  Since I have a pond don't you think an outdoor shower would be appropriate?  Too bad the pond isn't for swimming in then maybe I could justify one. 
Erin @ Just*Grand

Don't you just love the color of this night stand?  Kelli did a great job bringing this stand back to life.  I love it!  You should see the before picture of it. 
Kelli @ Bella's Crafty Mom

I love the way these frames turned out.  I love the color and the beach look.  Julie Ann did a wonderful job on these frames.  I love the simplicity of them.  Great job.
Julie Ann @ Jam's Corner

This is the best birthday "cake" I've ever seen.  What a wonderful idea.  I am going to have to remember this.  I have a nephew who isn't a fan of cake but would love this one.
Barb @ Second Chance to Dream

Be sure to stop by and say hi to these ladies.  It will definitely be worth it.  And if you've been featured, please grab a featured button.

Full Circle Creations
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Full Circle Creations"><img src="" alt="Full Circle Creations" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Don't forget to stop by tomorrow night and link up to the 5th All Star Block Party!    Thanks for stopping by.