
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy day...

Hi Everyone!  Today the plan is to finish up some painting.  But since I'm not ready to show you what I've been up to, I thought I'd share the flowers I picked up for myself yesterday.
I am not a girlie girl...more of a tomboy...but I love cut flowers. 
 I went to town yesterday to pick up some flowers but they'd only let me have a couple of daisy bunches.  Because of the snow storm, they didn't get their flower shipment and they had a bunch of funerals.  I wanted to get the green and purple poms, but they couldn't spare any of them.
 Then when I stopped by Wal-Mart, I saw the yellow roses and just had to get them.  So that's how I ended up with this combination of flowers.  But I really do love them!
They are very fragrant and brighten up the house.  And every girl needs some flowers once in a while, especially on her birthday.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. yay for the flowers! You deserve some spring in your home on a week like this!

    Happy Birthday to ya Holly!


  2. Happy birthday Holly! Enjoy your beautiful flowers. May your day be as bright and cheery as that beautiful yellow rose.

  3. Happy Birthday! Hope it is a special day for you, you deserve it! Very pretty flowers by the way.

  4. Happy Birthday Holly. There is nothing better than fresh flowers on your birthday. X

  5. Happy Birthday, Holly! What a gorgeous bouquet you made! I adore the yellow roses and I imagine they smell very good! My favorite rose.


  6. They're lovely, and you're worth it, birthday or not! Hope you had a happy one!
