
Friday, February 22, 2013

New fallen snow...

Hi Everyone!  This is what I awoke to this morning.  It was such a pretty sight.....
...the dogs loved playing in it this morning.... was cold but not terrible...the wind wasn't blowing too bad (yet)...
...and then I looked to the the implement shed where the truck is parked....
...and there was a snowdrift that went up to my knees right behind the truck....
...which I shoveled out of the can see the new pile of snow that I created so I could get the truck out and go to work today....I was only an hour and a half late...but I made it.  And then when I got home my dear sweet neighbor had come with the tractor and cleaned the drive out for me!  You've got to love a farmer willing to help a gal out!  Thanks Bear!  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. You have the prettiest farm, even prettier during the winter! Your lucky to have an awesome neighbour like that, because that was a lot of snow!!

  2. Gorgeous pictures! I love the snow. We have a snow blower, but most of the time our neighbour is over with his bobcat to clean our laneway out. I agree, gotta love them!
    Debbie :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your snow with us down here in SC. It is so pretty and the sky looks like there is more to come. Your farm is so pretty in the snow.

  4. oh my! that's a lot of snow Holly! yikes!
    what a trooper you are to have gone to work.

    Happy (early) birthday!

