
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dresser in Grey...

Hi Everyone.  Today I thought I would show you the dresser I painted back before the Open House.  I picked it up from a guy that handles a lot of antiques.  It had been sitting in his warehouse forever. 
 I just love the lines of it with the rounded drawers (that open and close easily).....
 ...and the great front legs...and the fact that it still has it's original casters.  There's only two problems with it, the veneer on this side has a little damage and the fact that it has that orange glow to it.  So look away if you don't like painted wood pieces.
I painted it with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  The body is painted in Paris Grey and the top and knobs in Old White.  I painted it in the studio and then hauled it out one day to the front yard to sand it.  I took pictures of it from different angles outside but I can't seem to find them.
 I never waxed it but I might still do that.
It didn't sell at the Open House and I'm really okay with that.  Because now I get to enjoy it for a while longer.  Doesn't it just fit perfectly in that space?  Like it should stay there for ever?  And it might too.  It's another great weather day here so I'm off to the shop to build things.  I'm working on a custom order right now for some friends of mine.  Yesterday was a big build day in the shop and I hope today is just as productive.  And I hope the weather is great wherever you are.  Thanks for stopping by.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013 bench....

Hi Everyone!  I've been busy building and painting furniture.  I'm trying to get a nice assortment of items in the Studio for some guests that will be stopping by to check it out..a mini Open House.  I tried something different with this piece.
 I built this out of a 1x12" and a 1x4".  I was busy building and didn't stop to take pictures...bad blogger!  I've made lots of these benches and everyone of them is different.  I've been experimenting with the look of the leg and I think this is my favorite...a little curvy detail at the base of the leg.
 Once the bench was built and sanded, I stained it with a custom mix stain that I didn't want to look perfect or like it was recently stained.  In other words I wanted age to it.
 Once it was dry, I painted it with black satin latex primer.  And then sanded the heck out of it.
 I wanted it to look like it was old and chippy....where the paint would have rubbed off naturally. 
I left just a few bits of black paint on the seat, mainly by the ends.  I can't decide if I like it or if I should sand the rest of the black off and start over.  What do you think?  It would work great on a front porch or mud room with baskets underneath it or at a kitchen table.  Now I need to get to work.  The weather is going to be great for working out in the shop today.  I hope you are doing something you love to do this weekend.  Thanks for stopping by.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

New bench....

Hi Everyone!  I thought I'd show you my new favorite bench.  I built it about two weeks ago and then had to step away from it to take care of other orders and I finally got back to it in the last couple of days.  It's one of the headboards my Aunt Barb brought me the day of my Studio Open House that I shared with you here.  Let's look at the before shots...they aren't pretty.
It was painted white and then painted very badly with brown paint.  I did a little sanding to it, but wanted to keep the chippy paint look that it had from the brown paint.  I cut the foot board almost in half and then decided to cut down the post.  If it had been a full size I probably wouldn't have cut the post down but with them it looked more like a torture chair than a bench you'd want to sit on.
 So here it is, all dressed up in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White.  It has been sanded to reveal the brown, white and a little yellow (it's original color maybe?). 
 I upholstered it in one of favorite fabrics.  I love the way this looks with the Old White. 
 The fabric goes so well with the blues and greens in my Studio so I won't be disappointed if it doesn't sell right away...that way I can enjoy it for a while.
I shifted furniture around last night to make room for some new pieces (I can't wait to show you the big piece I just finished).  I think it just might be time for another Open House here at the studio.  I've got all the empty spaces filled.  I just need to create some art work for the walls and some messages boards and then it will be filled nicely.  So we'll have to see.  I also have some custom orders to finish (hopefully this weekend!).  Thanks for stopping by!

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Painted quilt rack....

Hi Everyone.  One of the items my Aunt Barb brought to me the other day was a quilt rack.  It was nice enough the way it was, but it seemed so plain and sad to me.
 It's made of oak and in really great shape.  I cleaned it up, removed the buttons on the sides (some were missing) and tightened up the screws that had been added to strength it.
 Then painted it using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White.  I'm sort of on an Old White kick.  I thought about painting it in a really bold color.....
 ...but decided to play it safe.  And I intend to use it in the Studio to display fabric choices, so white seemed to be a better choice.
Then I sanded it but didn't wax it.  As a child, we rented an old house that had four or five of these up in the attic and while we lived there, I was able to have one at the end of my bed and for some unknown reason, I loved it.  But when we moved out, I had to put it back in the attic.  The things you remember...well, thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A painted headboard...

Hi Everyone!  I've been busy getting ready for a mini-open house at the Studio.  The business contact I made at the Fair this Spring is coming tomorrow afternoon to take a look at some of the things I've made, hopefully she will find something she likes.  But tonight I thought I'd show you what I did with one of the headboards my Aunt Barb gave me last year that I hadn't done anything with yet.
 It was nice enough the way it was, but I thought it needed a little sprucing up.
 I painted it in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey and then I sanded it.  I haven't waxed it yet.
 I thought I had better get pictures taken before the sunlight goes down too far.
 I really like this color.  I painted a dresser in it too that I'll show you soon.
And these feet are wonderful.  It still has the original casters on it...only one of the wooden wheels is split.  I was going to turn this into a bench, and I still might, but for now, it will be on display in my Studio.  Thanks for stopping by.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Headboard city, the sequel...

Hi Everyone!  Can you believe all the things my Aunt Barb, aka the Free Stuff Fairy brought me!  If you missed it, check it out here.  I got 16 head or foot boards.  Can you believe it!?   So here is the line up of headboards...
 Here they all are together, just after we unloaded the van.
 As I put them away I lined them up for pictures....There are full size ones....
 ....a queen size...and a couple of twins....
 ...some are great and ready to use right away, some need a little TLC and others will be pieced out for parts.....And a few of them are my new favorites and I can't wait to get my hands on them!
 Like this twin.  Isn't it grand!  It's missing one of it's decorative pieces....I'll have to remove the other one and then add something back to them since there's no way I can replace the one that's missing.
 This is a full size set.  I love the way the headboard looks like two  seat backs.  It makes it look so unique!
 I love this one!  It's really thick, solid and sturdy.  I can't believe someone drew on it.  I bet some child somewhere was in trouble after doing this!  It also came with it's rails and they are in great shape.  Maybe it should stay a bed?...maybe?.....maybe not.  We'll have to see.
 I love this foot board.  I can just imagine what the headboard looked like....too bad I don't have it.  But it's in pretty rough shape.  So I'll see if I can fix it and if not, then it will be pieced out for parts.
 I really like this one.  I think it's definitely calling out for a saying to be painted on it.
And these two twins are great.  They are a little short to be a bench but will either make great arms for two benches.  Or the legs will be used on armless benches and the the rest of it can become one of the headboard shelves with pegs that I've been making.  So those are the great headboards and foot boards that my Aunt Barb, the Free Stuff Fairy brought up this weekend.  Thanks again Aunt Barb!  And thanks for stopping by.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The free stuff fairy strikes again...

Hi Everyone!  I have been busy working on custom items, a few new pieces and some things for the studio.  But I had to show you the free stuff I got on Saturday.  My dear sweet Aunt Barb that I first introduced to you here and here, as the free stuff fairy, has struck again.  She's been on a picking spree for me.  There's nothing like having your own personal picker out there hunting down deals and haggling over prices, who delivers it and then gives it to you for free.  Thanks so much Aunt Barb!  So on with the show!
 Here's an overview of the things Aunt Barb brought me.  There are bunches of headboards and frames (that shopping bag is filled with frames), shutters, old window frames, spindles, a cupboard door, a carnival-like wooden horse, and a few other items.
 There are 16 head or foot boards.  Some will be pieced out for parts, some will make benches and a few might even be used as headboards.  I will show the headboards tomorrow.
 There are some really great frames in all different sizes.  Nine pairs of shutters.  And a little wooden shelf.
 Five old window frames.
 A few weathered is a cool table leg and that carved board is great.
 There are 35 spindles.  Thirty-five of them!
 More frames.  I love the two identical owns with all the carvings.
And an antique quilt rack.  I love this.  I just might use this in the studio for displaying fabrics.  I can't believe all the work my Aunt Barb did to find all of these great items.  And I can't wait to get started on them.  Now if I could just add 12 hours to each day so I'd have the time to get everything done.  Thank you so much Aunt Barb!  And as always, thanks for stopping by!

Friday, June 14, 2013

A sign...

Hi Everyone!   Thank goodness it's the weekend!  I have tons of work and some mowing to do.  But today I thought I'd show one of the custom signs I made last weekend for a client.  I've made this sign several times before but each time it was a white background with black writing...
....Like this one...
.....But this time, it's the reverse.

And I think I like it better this way.  What do you think?  Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Free Stuff....

Hi Everyone!  I'm finally caught up on my online orders so now I've started working on orders that I got right before and during the open house.  But today I thought I'd share the free stuff I got this weekend.  My relatives own the Sanitation Department in town and they are pulling things that I might be able to use.  And Saturday was my lucky day.
 Look at what they rescued from the garbage...can you believe someone threw it away....
 We were calling it a dresser, but with the doors it looks to me like it was a buffet instead of a dresser.  And the parts for the drawer and cupboard door are all I have to do is put it back problem.
 I love the keyhole detail...and the fact that the key is attached to the often does that happen?
 I love the feet too...
 The top is in good shape except of course for the finish...or lack of finish..and won't take much to remove the rest of it.  I can't wait to get started on it. 
 They also pulled this frame for me too.  It's dirty and will need to be cleaned with bleach.  I'll probably paint a base coat of Kilz Primer and then Chalk Paint...maybe Louis Blue with some Old White...maybe.
They also pulled this suitcase.  It's a Samsonite suitcase that matches the set that belonged to my grandparents.  I've wanted to do something with their suitcases for a while now, but just haven't been able to bring myself to do maybe I'll start with this one.  What would you do with it? 

I'm just the luckiest gal to have family in the sanitation business.  Thanks Vicky and Jerry!  I can't wait to get started on that dresser, but first I have to build a few things.  I'm going to be busy this weekend if the rain would just stay away!  Have you gotten anything for free lately?  Well, thanks for stopping by.