
Friday, November 4, 2011

Hawkeye Fans.....

Hi Everyone!  The weekend of my big Craft Fair something else excited was happening.  My brother and his family (minus my niece-she's not a fan) went to an Iowa Football game.  I have a very dear friend, Craig (Happy Birthday!), we've been friends for 13 years, who has Iowa Football season tickets and is nice enough to share them with me and my family.  My dad and I usually go every year and we give the other two tickets to my brother and his wife for their birthdays.  But this year my dad and I did not go.  Instead we gave all four tickets to my brother and sister-in-law so they could take their boys. 
 This is outside the stadium.  My nephew Ridge has never been to a game.  He lives in southern Missouri and I bought him a train ticket to get to his dad's (his car is not reliable).  Ridge is leaving for the Marines in December, so this trip was extra special.
 My nephew Quinton got to go last year with us because the game we picked was late in the year and at night and boy was it cold, so Dawn did not go.
 Now there's a Hawkeye family!
There is a Hawkeye train that takes you from a parking area a couple miles away and stops at the base of the stairs outside the stadium which makes parking and getting there so  much easier.  This is my brother and nephew on the train.  The Hawks won so a great time was had by all.  It would  have been even sweeter if Dad and I had gotten to go, but I was busy at the craft fair.  Next year.  Thanks for stopping by!

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