
Thursday, November 3, 2011

A preview...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Thursday!  I wanted to show you a preview of the benches I'm working on for the last fair of the season!  I have one week to go to get everything done!
 This is a Jenny Lind headboard that I've been storing for about a year now.  I thought it was time to work through some of my stock rather than get anymore headboards.  This is just the headboard so it will be an armless bench.
 And this big boy, let's call him Bernie has been in my possession since this spring.  He doesn't have a footboard either so he will be an armless bench too.  Only I'm making him with storage under the upholstered top since I heard a lot of wishes at the last craft fair for the armless ones to have storage.
And this little one, let's call her Lucy is a twin size.  I almost forgot to take her before picture.  Lucy did have a footboard but I used it on another bench.  I'm doing something a little different with her.  I am making her armless with storage but the depth is small.  My idea is for it to go in an entry way that doesn't have tons of room as a place to sit and put your shoes on.  I made one like this for a client last year minus the storage.  I heard people at the last fair say how much they loved the benches but that they didn't have room for the large bench, so I thought this might be a nice alternative.  So we'll see how it goes over at this fair.  Well, I've got to get back to the shop so I can finish these.  I'll be sure to share the finished products with you.  Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I love the jenny lynn style beds (benches)
    can't wait to see them. I'm hoping to build some when I get my basement shop done!
