
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cream bench...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Sunday!  I wanted to show you a bench I made for a relative.  There were 12 surviving siblings in my grandfather's family and one of his sister's daughter (my mom's cousin) bought a bench from me previously for one of her daughters and ordered this bench for one of her other daughters.  Are you confused yet?  She wanted a cream colored bench like the other one she got.  So this is what I came up with.
 To me it has a more primitive look to it, unlike the other benches I make.  My uncle Bill had given me this  headboard this fall and I knew when I saw it that this is the bench it would go with.  Did I mention that my mom's cousin ordered this back in the late spring, but she didn't want it until December.  So I put it off while I worked on everything else until it was almost December.
 I forgot to take pictures of the original headboard.  I found portions of spindles to made the arms.  And I painted it with Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint in Old Ochre.
Then I waxed it with clear wax and added the saying using black paint.  I have a stencil that I used for this.  It's the same one I use on all the large benches, but since it's smaller only part of it fits.  I delivered this and my mom's cousin loved it.  I sure hope her daughter does too. 

And on a sad note, the last of my grandfather's brothers passed away this week and I'll be going to the visitation later today.  He was 89.

And today, my nephew Ridge heads out for Marine Boot camp.  I wish him the very best!  And I'll miss him!

Well, thanks for stopping by.


  1. Cute bench Holly! I bet she will love it. I'm sorry for your loss, it's always harder around the holidays. My thoughts are with you and your family.
    I wish the best for Ridge!
    take care,

  2. What a beautiful blog you have here just love your bench. I'm new to your blog and have enjoyed looking around, I'm now following you so I can visit you often if you find a spare minute hope you visit me sometime follow back if you like so nice to find new friends. I look forward to keeping in touch in 2012, Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

    Always Wendy
