
Saturday, December 10, 2011


Hi Everyone!  Sorry I've been absent this week.  My foot is on the mend, but it's not 100% yet.  So it's been hard to be motivated to work out in the shop and stand on a concrete floor, so needless to say, I'm behind again.  And tonight is my work Christmas party, so I'll have to try to squeeze some shop time in this afternoon and tomorrow.  We had snow Thursday late afternoon and into the evening.  So this is what I awoke to yesterday morning.  I love snow.  I love to watch it snow and how wonderful it looks right after it snows, before it gets trampled and dirty looking.  So I had to snap this picture before the dogs (who love the snow almost as much as I do) hit the yard and messed up my pretty snow picture!   
 And then this morning we had fog that frosted everything.  I loved how it looked so while I was waiting for the dogs first thing this morning, I grabbed my camera and took some pictures.

And when I turned to go back in I saw the start of the lunar eclipse, so of course I had to take a picture.  Did you see the lunar eclipse this morning? 

I promise to get back to some more projects, hopefully I have something to show you tomorrow.  Well, thanks for stopping by.

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