
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Family tree with a wire twist...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Saturday!  I hope you are all having a great weekend.  I want to share with you something I started late December 2010 and haven't really touched since.  I made this tree by twisting strands of wire together.  I had this vision in my head, but once I got the tree done (I made two trees) I just wasn't sure what to do with it from there.  Then I saw these mini silver picture frames that are meant to be used as jewelry charms.  They were the perfect size.  So after our Christmas guests left, I ordered the frames and then got to working on it again.
I used a bun foot that I had gotten for a stand but I didn't end up using it.
 I painted the bun antique white, then put an antique glaze on it and gave it a light sanding to bring the grain out.
Next I found a saying that I thought was very appropriate for this and wrote it on with a black pen.  The quote says, "Our family is like the branches of a tree.  We may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one. 
 I cut a Styrofoam ball in half, then painted it brown (I forgot to take a picture of it).  And then I glued moss onto the ball.
 I sprayed the wire tree with black spray paint so that the black wire doesn't rub off on your skin if you touch it.  Then I add the the little frames to the branches.
 I also added a small wooden plaque where the family name can go since this is a family tree.
Then I wired the tree to the Styrofoam ball and glued the Styrofoam ball to the wooden bun.  And there you have it.
This is a smaller tree than the other one I made.  But I thought I'd start with the small one to see if I liked it.  I'm pretty happy with it, but I think it's missing something.  Some small wire leaves maybe?  Or maybe I could put a wire swirl at the end of the's a work in progress.  I have more frames that can go on, but that just depends on the size of your family.  I'll keep playing with it and keep you updated. 

I've been thinking a lot about family lately.  And I'm grateful for mine.  I think this is a nice way to honor my family.  I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your family.  I will be enjoying some time with my parents before they head south to sunny Florida next week.  I will also be finishing the shelf that a client ordered, I'll show you that when I'm done.  Well, thanks for stopping by.

Update:  Thanks to a comment from Gail @ MyRepurposedLife, I made a change to the tree.  It never looked exactly right.  Check on the changes here.  Thanks Gail!


  1. if I can be honest, I LOVE the tree (by itself!!!) and I LOVE what you did with the bun, but I don't think I like them together. I even think I might like it better with the styrofoam, but just some moss over the bun. That's my 2 cents, and that's about all it's worth. hahaha
    Have a great weekend Holly!

  2. What a great idea! I love the little tree! I hope that your 2012 is off to a great start! Happy Saturday!...hugs...Debbie

  3. This is amazing. Sending you the Happiest New Year Wishes Ever my friend. I look forward to many more wonderful visits with you in 2012 xo
    Always Wendy

  4. This game out so great, your handwriting is beautiful!
    A few blogger friends and I have collectively introduced a fun challenge for January. It would be so awesome if you want to participate!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  5. I love the saying to go with this - it is perfect!!
