
Sunday, January 8, 2012

An Update to the Wire Family Tree...

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are having a great weekend.  Yesterday's post was the Family Tree I made out of wire which I liked but had been thinking that it wasn't exactly right.  Here's a picture of it.  Check it the post here.
I got a comment from my blog friend Gail at My Repurposed Life.  She said, "If I can be honest, I LOVE the tree (by itself!!!) and I LOVE what you did with the bun, but I don't think I like them together. I even think I might like it better with the styrofoam, but just some moss over the bun. That's my 2 cents, and that's about all it's worth. hahaha"

She actually meant to say she liked it better without the styrofoam, which she discovered after I replied to her.  So taking her advice, this is what I did.
 I removed the styrofoam and cut it down to just the top edge.  It's easier to connect the tree to a bit of styrofoam especially with the screw in the bun still there.
I think it looks much better this way.  Now I'm still trying to decide if it needs something more on the end of the branches.  What do you think?  Would you add a wire leaf or a swirl to the end of the branches?  Well thanks for stopping by.


  1. Holly, I'm not sure about adding anything else to it. I suppose you try it, see if you like it, then decide. :)
    I do love how you changed it up!

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. I like the improvement as well! I say you live with it for a few days before you make any more changes.

  3. Like it lots better without the styrofoam...looks fabulous!!

  4. Much better without the styrofoam, it was out of proportion. It's perfect just the way it is now. Very nice!
