
Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hi Everyone!  I hope you are having a great Sunday.  I've been working on a few projects today and as I was waiting for paint to dry, I decided to finally sign up with Facebook.  I have tried very hard to stay away from it, partly because I don't know if I have time for one more thing and partly because I have no idea what I'm doing on it.  I decided to take the leap and just do it.  In keeping with my word of the year, DO!  So I did.  But now I have not idea what I'm doing.  I do have a friend already.  Thanks to Linsey at the Farmhouse Porch!

Any helpful hints would be most appreciated!  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I bit the bullet about a month ago for a personal site, but don't really check it too often. Getting my business on there is what I really want to do now; I'll just add it to my long list of things to do:-)

  2. I can friend you too, but I don't get it either. So I follow you there and here and that's what I don't get. I never sign into FB cause I'm busy ready blogs!


  3. Hope you enjoy it. I didn't and now, don't...nor do I Twitter.

  4. I just signed up for fb too. I really tried to resist because it is just one more thing on the "To Do List" but somehow I am managing. :) I would suggest putting the fb "Like" widget on your sidebar so it is easier for followers to connect. Good luck & thank you for linking to my {new neighbor on the blog} bash.


    Drop by & Visit {The Tattered Tag}

  5. I am now following you on Linky and Facebook. I love the sign you made. I am right with you, It seems like some are so good at picking up all the social things going on. I started too and feel like I'm have way good at it. But it seem like social networking is so important to blogging. So I jumped in. Good luck! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best.

  6. I have a love hate relationship with FB. But it's a great way to stay in touch with family. I found you site off Lori's so thought i would get around to visit a few ladies. I love your banner looks like you do a lot of different crafts like I do. Have a great day!

  7. Hi,
    I am happy to be your newest follower from the Linky followers blog hop. If you'd like to follow back you can find me at
