Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wedding signs, part three

Happy Tuesday Everyone!  With the snow storm this past weekend, I could only work on projects that were already in the house since it was too nasty to be out in the shop or getting to the shop.  And I had a stack of boards that were awaiting their paint jobs.  So that's what I focused on.  Here are a couple of wedding signs that I had planned on making.
 I started by painting this scrap of board with a medium gray for the base coat and then white for the top coat.
 I sanded it to give it that distressed look.  Then hand painted the lettering in black.
 I spaced it so a date could be added to the bottom.  I didn't want to paint a date on it just to show you, so I printed one out from my computer.
 And taped it in place so you could see it.  It seems appropriate to include the date on this piece.  That way an anniversary should never be forgotten.
I like how it turned out and I think it's a nice addition to the wedding line I've been working on.  

Of course I had to make a sign that involved the ring.  I made this the same way as the one above.
Only this time I put a graphic behind the lettering.  It's kind of hard to see in this picture.  But it's two wedding rings joined.  I painted them silver with a white highlight.
I can't decide if I like the graphic or not.  What do you think?

I promise, I only have a few more wedding themed signs to go and then I'll be done with this kick.  See parts one here and two here.  I got an order today for four signs and no they have nothing to do with weddings.  They are four signs I've never made before and are custom designs for my client.  I was asked to come up with some signs for my client's mother's kitchen.  So I'll share those as soon as I'm done.  Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. I think they are great! And you hand painted those??? You are good!

  2. This is such a beautiful idea, thanks for sharing! A friend of mine is getting married in a few months...I just might have to make one for her now! andrea@townandprairie

  3. great signs Holly! I can't wait to see th enew ones!


  4. These signs are really pretty. What a great wedding gift they make.

  5. I like the graphic! You are really good! :)

  6. What a great idea for a gift! Thanks for being inspiring :)

  7. Ok, wait! You HAND painted this??
    That is talent!
    Thanks for linking up to my Wait a wee Meenit link party!

  8. This is such a great idea and you've done such a beautiful job creating a memory for people. I'm so glad you shared at our Link It Up Thursday party.
