
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Apple Jacks Craft Fair...

Hi Everyone! Wow, it seems like forever since I actually sat down with lots of things to share.  Where do I start?  I guess tonight I'll just share with you pictures from the Apple Jacks Craft Fair and then in the next couple of days I will share individual items that you haven't seen before.  My coworker and his wife and my mom helped me set up the booth.  Thanks Shane, Brenda and Mom.
I know it's a little early to pull out Christmas items, but I had them ready and I did sell some of them.    I sold a bunch of ornaments, the decorated music tree and a bunch of undecorated trees. 
Here are the two big headboard benches.  The black one has storage in the seat and the other one doesn't.  This is the first fair I've been to that I didn't sell a bench at so I have a head start on the next fair.

It was a long two days and it didn't seem like I was selling much while in the heat of it, but after looking back at the pictures and tallying up the money, it was a good fair.  I usually judge how a fair goes by the benches that sell, but since I didn't sell any of them, I had to wait until the money total came in to judge.  And it was good. 

I still have a bunch of things to make for the next one including a couple of benches.  The next fair is the Clarinda Craft Carnival in a month and I have never brought a bench home with me.  It's a completely different crowd at that fair.  They come to buy and the last three years I've almost sold out my entire booth.  So here's hoping for the same results!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your booth looks great Holly. I think benches are always a hit and miss. :)
    I too have a show in a month. I'm so not ready. :)


  2. Everything looks fabulous! Funny how all that little stuff adds up! good luck with the next fair ;)
