
Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall is finally here....

Hi Everyone!  It's the weekend!  Autumn is here....yeah for football games, crisp air in the morning, sleeping with a light blanket on the bed, the color change of the leaves and the end of mowing the yard (okay not yet, but soon).  I love fall.  And after the summer we've had I'm ready to move on to the next season, I just hope it stays for a while.  In honor of fall, I made some wooden pumpkins to take to the craft fair last weekend. 
 I took an old post from the farm that my grandfather had saved and randomly cut it into different size blocks.
 Then I went to the drill press and using a spade bit I drilled holes into the block of wood close to the center but not exactly in the center.  Then I sanded them, painted them with a base coat of black and top coat of orange.  Then I sanded them again to reveal some of the base coat.
I took a branch that had fallen in the last storm and randomly cut it apart to make the stems.  I glued them in place with Gorilla wood glue.
 Then I tied a piece of jute around the stem and inserted a couple of wires that I had curled....
 to give them a little something to finish them off.
And here they are at the craft fair before I added the jute and wire.  Just a little something for fall.  I don't normally decorate for fall so I will be taking these to the next craft fair.  I have a couple of other pumpkins so show you tomorrow.  But tonight I'm going to enjoy this nice fall weather and take the dogs for a run in the pasture.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I think the pumpkins are so adorable. I love the fact that they are so chunky and finished with wire and string.
    Your booth space looks great too, from the last post. I'm glad it worked out for you.

  2. I made some of those pumpkins for prizes for a party last year. I must of made myself some too, where did I put them?

