
Thursday, November 15, 2012

A black stand...

Hi Everyone!  I thought I'd share with you tonight one of the custom orders I finished and delivered this week to a repeat client.  Can I just say how much I love repeat customers!  They are the best.
 This the fourth stand like this that I've made for this client. 
 It's easy to make using 1x12's and 1x4's cut down for the body and shelves. 
 I think it takes me longer to sand and paint it than it does to build it.
 I used two 1x8's for the top.  They allow for the best overhang without wasting lumber.
 And here it is finished and painted black.
A look from three sides....
...and Bo just had to get in the picture.  I delivered it Wednesday night to a very happy client.  Wednesday (yesterday) was a busy day for me.  I had to work all day, took three orders for signs, sold a mess of Christmas decorations to another repeat client and then delivered this.  Now I need to get busy working on those signs.  I hope you're having a great week too.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Holly, I am confident you get repeat orders because you create quality, beautiful custom pieces but also because just like you are on your blog and the comments you leave, you must be wonderful to work with.

  2. Do you have odd dreams at night, you know normal ones that have bits and pieces of sawing wood and making things intertwined with them? I know you do.


  3. I'm not surprised you get repeat customers. You really do great work! I'll be glad when I can get back in the shop.

    hope you're having a great weekend Holly!

  4. Pretty cool project. I'm following you and would love to have you follow me on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks, Linda
