
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's feature time....

Hi Everyone!  It's feature time again!  I was without internet access this weekend so I'm a little behind in getting this out.  I'm trying to get caught up with everything..finally.  A big thank you to everyone that linked up to our party.  It certainly wouldn't be a party without guests like you!  Thanks for making it wonderful!   
Now the hard part......picking out my favorites.  In honor of Thanksgiving, my picks are centered mainly around fall and Thanksgiving.  And as usual you guys make it very difficult each week for me to pick my favorites because there are just so many wonderful projects linked up.  Now on with the show...

 I love this bucket garland that Bonnie at Uncommon Designs created.  It is so festive!
Thankful Bucket Garland
Bonnie @ Uncommon Designs
I love the idea that Laurie at Simply Creating Home did with these Thanksgiving Scrolls.  Wonderful idea!
Wrapped Scroll | Simply Creating Home
Laurie @ Simply Creating Home

 What a clever idea Katie at Fun Home Things has with her Thanksgiving tree.  With so many things to be thankful for..I love this idea.  Thanks for the inspiration!
Katie @ Fun Home Things
I adore this simple and lovely fall decoration that Vicki at Life In My Empty Nest created.  I think I just might have to copy this.
Vickie @ Life In My Empty Nest
 And last, but not least, the most adorable turkeys I have ever seen from Phaedra at Phaedra's Adventures.  I love 'em! 
Phaedra @ Phaedra's Adventures
Be sure to stop by and say hi.  It will definitely be worth it.  And if you've been featured, please grab a featured button.
Full Circle Creations
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Full Circle Creations"><img src="" alt="Full Circle Creations" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Thanks again for making our party a great success.  And don't forget to stop by tonight and link up to the 25th All Star Block Party!  Be sure to stop by and meet this week's guest co-host.   Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Thank you so much for the beautiful feature! I'm thrilled! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thank you for featuring my Thanksgiving Tree! I love all the features this week, great picks!


  3. What great features. It's really getting me in the mood for Thanksgiving!!!

  4. Thanks you for featuring the Indian Corn Candle I made - copy away :-)
