
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A little peek...

Hi Everyone!  Yesterday was the start of a new blog year for me.  It's the start of my third year and I can't believe that two years are in the books.  It has been like the blink of any eye.  It seems like last month when I first clicked publish on my very first post.  And it still amazes me that anyone reads it but I'm so very thankful that you do!
So here's just a little peek of what I was working on yesterday.  I have so much to share with you and I promise that I will just as soon as I'm finished with it.  It's all I do to keep this to myself..... Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Looks like you have been very busy! Congrats on your new blog year :) Time flies!

  2. Can't wait to see what you've been up to!

  3. ohhh, how exciting! I don't see any puppy prints in the paint. lol

  4. Happy Anniversary!!! Can't wait to see your finished room!

  5. Happy Anniversary (and belated happy birthday too). Time goes by when your having fun! Diane

  6. Happy Anniversary.
    I don't even know when I started. May this be the best year ever for you :)
