
Monday, February 25, 2013

Two years already?...

Hi Everyone!  I want to start out by saying thank you for all your birthday well wishes.  I had a very happy birthday.  I didn't do anything exciting.  I painted.  Which is exactly what I wanted to do!

I promise to show you just as soon as I'm finished.
And today is my two year blog anniversary!  Can you believe it's been two years.  It feels like about a year.  I want to say thank you to everyone who stops by, reads and comments.  I am truly blessed and humbled to have "met" some really great people here.  Thanks for joining me on this journey. 


  1. Can't wait to see your finished birthday project! Congrats on two years.

  2. Happy 2 years. Have you found time is flying by having blogging as a hobby? I have!


  3. yay for 2 years! it goes by fast, doesn't it?
    I'm so excited to see what you've been working on!

  4. 2 years! Congratulations. Another reason to celebrate. SO...inquiring minds want to know, what made you start blogging 2 years ago today (the day after your birthday)?
