Hi Everyone! Happy Monday! I know I've been missing for a little more than a week and I want to apologize for not posting anything new. I had two back to back craft fairs that I was getting ready for and once the second one was over (more on the craft fairs coming soon, I promise), I had to work on the float at work for the ShenFest parade. I work as a bookkeeper for a local plumbing company and they decided they wanted to enter an actual float in the parade and asked me to paint an outhouse for it. So by the time I worked on that at work, I didn't want to do anything else at night. But I thought I'd share the finished product of my outhouse with you. It was made from the box for a water heater.

I painted the entire box a weathered brown color, then painted black lines on it to designate the boards and the black dots are knot holes. Then I started painting different colored lines to indicate wood grain. Keep in mind that it had to "show" from a distance so the lines had to be over dramatic.
I painted the moon on instead of cutting it out. And I painted on the Closed for Repairs sign.
I added this because it's the name of the founder of the company and his wife. I wanted it to look like John had carved it into the wood of the outhouse.
I painted the roof to look like weathered shingles.
And I put this on one side as a tribute to one of the former plumbers that used to work there that passed away. It seemed like something he would have done in his younger years.
So there you have it. That's one of the things I've been up to this past week. The parade was Saturday and unfortunately, they didn't win anything for the float, but we had a good time anyway. The outhouse now sits in the front showroom of the store on display until they get sick of it. Well, thanks for stopping by.